Just pay the BBB $395 and they’ll do anything. ANYTHING.
Just pay the BBB $395 and they’ll do anything. ANYTHING.
The Crypts, the gang that only uses Bitcoin
Oh man, I was half expecting the AA employee guy to rip off his shirt and pants and fight like Randy. Frig off!
This is how Kevin Ollie won a title, you go to bat for your guys and they’ll respond
Ran Aired Punted Intercepted Sacked Tackled, it’s the whole NFL in one tidy little one.
Has Peter Thiel doomed us to these shitty click bait titles forever? Genuinely a good article but I almost didn’t even read it.
Jesus christ, I don’t even have to snopes these anymore.
Yo bro, I know you like tits and ass but like, send em to your friend through DM. I’m having a hard time seeing this as an “empathetic push back”, more just covering your collective ass in a scandal there’s no good explanation for.
Derrick Rose is just bad with shapes...no triangle, he can’t square, and he even had a rektankle
Like how everything is “butt” to an extremely talented writer who is really fucking up his shtick lately.
I feel kind of naive now, I just figured all the games would be sellouts except maybe the play-in games no matter who they seeded. Are there walk-up box office sale seats the day of the game for some first round games? That seems nuts to me...
Shaq rapping in German kinda is the best. “In Germany, I’m known as the Dirk Nowitzki of rap”
It’s sad that there’s no other option, but I feel really great about how Mack and other teenagers in similar situations are handling this. It’s not like our world works on logic and compassion like it should, but if it did he’d be putting all these disgusting adults to shame right now.
The Venezuelan Johan Santana (and my favorite of the two) gained notoriety before the Dominican Johan Santana, so he just decided to go by Ervin.
Up until about a month ago I wondered how Devin Booker got so damn good, then I realized I was thinking of Devon Bookert.
I really don’t understand why Terrence Jones is such a leper to teams, there has to be something else. Is it that NBA teams are addicted to stretch 4's and he’ll never be one?
Then we’ve got woke ass Sarah Palin further muddying up the waters - http://gizmodo.com/sarah-palin-says-julian-assange-is-good-now-recommends-1790739207