
Yes!! You hit the nail on the head

Of course! I didn’t give away much more than what was in the trailer but I missed it everytime I watched the trailer. I think the comment is best read for after viewing just to be safe, and then you’ll also have a point of reference as well :)

I think the blind guy at the end was more #NotAllWhitePeople

Right! It’s like “I’m not one of them!”, which is not needed here.

It reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend earlier. She works for a law firm that helped bring a lawsuit against their state for their inhumane treatment of prisoners. They regularly have client meetings with the people in the jail. One woman who thinks she’s woker than she is essentially forces her clients

The third act was everything! I saw it in a crowd of almost entirely Black people. We were all cheering. Momentary reparations, ha.

Such an amazing film. I got to see it a week early and it’s been hard to keep all my thoughts to myself.

Last night was messy as hell

While the Internet was like

Thanks! Also, wasn’t trying to sound snarky with the “we don’t have to agree part”, I just realized I had basically texted you an essay and that was me kind of being like “but this is my take and I understand if you aren’t on board”, ha.

Silver linings and whatnot :)

It does make me sad that Moonlight couldn’t get the full weight of honor. The build up that leads to the announcement. They basically got shouted at (understandable and I’m in the camp that thinks Horowitz handled it well).

Yes! I wanted to mention that as well but you never know how certain things will go over on this site 🙄. I feel for them just being related to her, even if she were living in mansions and benzes.

I mean, the SJW part gives me a sense that you may be trolling. But, if you read the full comment thread then you’d see the explanation of why I don’t like this person.

Yes! When Pac is like “wait, why am I wasting breath on you, lemme pass the mic”??! Iconic

Yeah, I bet she’s just not being hired for the jobs she wants/feels entitled to.

Not sure if it’s necessary but I think some are misunderstanding my original comment. I thought it was clear but if not—my sympathy is with her children not her.

I have no sympathy for her, only her children.

It’s not just what she did but how she did it. The way she speaks about race and Blackness is gross to me as a Black woman, activist, and Black Studies scholar. Unlike traditional disciplines Black Studies is lived, it’s personal. It’s a discipline that is always being undermined and questioned. She brought shame to