
Black women are victims of this type of state violence, but often doesn’t make the same level of news. That is why Say Her Name exists, because the death of Black women at the hands of Police and State actors are not being properly attended to.

See, this is part of the gotdamn problem. Not that we expected a truly sincere apology and genuine reflection but reading this still pissed me off. You can see how he still views his statement as a joke that just didn’t take. What is there to laugh at about calling oneself (a White man) a house n——-? The “irony”? The

I was a big girl in elementary school. 2nd grade class we all got ident-a-kid IDs.the teacher and her assistant would call out the name & we walked up to get it. You could tell they were looking at them and making comments, mostly innocuous. When they saw mine she said to the assistant “110 lbs... Wow, well, she’s a

I don’t, given the racist original to how the alt-right originally started using it. Not all words should be up for grabs.

Black Studies needs to be infused in the K-12 curriculum. By the time they get to college and take whatever “Diversity” general education credit it’s sometimes too late. I’ve had students literally doubt the truth of my lessons, strictly historical lessons with no analysis, because it conflicts so much with the

But wasn’t that marriage at a really young age and pretty toxic?

Issa lot.

Is this just a random visit or a sign of things to come?!!

There’s grammar to AAVE. If you were familiar with that then you would understand that the person above was not wrong in saying “you right”. Even not being familiar with AAVE it should be known that various conjugations of the “to be” verb get dropped in colloquial speech, it’s common enough if you engage with Black

As an educator of Black Studies I can assure you there are ways to make this real for the students without making them live through this. If an instructor’s pedagogy relies on clear retraumatizing of students then their pedagogy is *bad*, plain and simple. These courses can be hard enough on students and a good

This is tew much. But I can’t complain, you warned us.


I think their only programming was growing up in that house (clear metaphor, right?? Gosh, such a good movie)

Another One wasn’t trash, it was just weaker than Shether which is not the direction you want to go in (ex. Back to Back was particularly amazing because Charged Up was mehh). So I wouldn’t say she self-destructed.

I’m tired of people equating black popular music to youth. Like... No, not every slang word or hip hop artist is something the kids are into, maybe you just don’t fuck with the genre or hang with the people who speak this way. But no one wants to admit that their social circle isnt diverse so instead they make

Yes! Read this article yesterday and loved it. It didn’t have the editors note before so I’m wondering if a hubbub occurred? Or maybe I just missed it, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t there when I first read it

Haha, I’m happy to see you’ve watched the film! And came back to the thread!

When in doubt “they” is better than “s/he”

No tweets? I partially come to Dirt Bag for your additions now

Thank you for putting it into words. Self-policing is exactly it. I’m an outspoken person but in certain situations I catch myself...well, catching myself! Being less me, holding back on certain responses, just so I can seem safer for those who are likely already just uncomfortable by my presence and are primed to