He wasn’t selling loose cigarettes. He had been arrested for that before but he was being arrested for contempt of cop. That’s not illegal so they had to use previous encounters to justify why a man died while they were conducting an illegal arrest.
He wasn’t selling loose cigarettes. He had been arrested for that before but he was being arrested for contempt of cop. That’s not illegal so they had to use previous encounters to justify why a man died while they were conducting an illegal arrest.
What was Garner guilty of? The cops in that case decided they were entitled to making an arrest without cause (illegal). He wasn’t selling cigarettes that day. They just mentioned that because they had fucked with him about that before and needed to disparage someone they killed.
So after all that in depth observation, you didn’t even notice Eric Garner wasn’t shot? Yet it’s one of the most heinous police shootings you’ve ever seen?
Eric Garner was strangled to death. However, there was no need to strangle him at all because while he may have been resisting arrest there were a lot of police officers who could have properly restrained him.
There is one massive fucking flaw in that argument (along with others): Even if Castille was reaching for his gun, that doesn’t justify the shooting. Not in the least. And if you think there is reasonable doubt, your definition of ‘reasonable’ is suspect.
BTW, to the trolls trying (and failing) to justify this shooting? May you suffer the same fate or befall something equally as horrible. I mean it.
I find this reply insanely hypocritical. Black Americans are never, EVER considered “innocent until proven guilty.” George Zimmerman MURDERED, in racially motivated COLD BLOOD, a INNOCENT teenager because he was black. Yanez emptied his clip into Philando Castile IN FRONT OF HIS GIRLFRIEND’S DAUGHTER because he was…
Not to diminish your overall point, but Eric Garner wasn’t shot. Eric Garner was choked to death by a police officer for selling loose cigarettes.
I’m not going to watch. I stopped watching these murders after Walter Scott. Watching a man who had done NOTHING running scared from a cop only to be shot in the back really broke something inside of me. I refuse to watch these videos anymore and I hate how they’ve become fodder for the media and public consumption…
I’ll tell you the reason.
They do not want to draw any extra attention to this case, because it hurts them. If you wish to sell people on the idea that everyone should have a gun for self defense this is the last thing you want to talk about.
Consider that a legal gun owner in a matter of 3 seconds after calmly…
Passengers made $300 million; it must be the higest grossing flop of all time and yes, it’s box office is all Lawrence. No one cares about Chris “I Abuse Animals” Pratt.
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea last year at 51. Having the sleep apparatus has me waking up chipper and clearheaded after eight hours in bed/7 hours of sleep vs 9 hours in bed/4 hours sleep. I have lost 11 pounds, my cholesterol is down to a healthy level. It’s been a game changer. If you have a loved one who snores…
Oysters are literally used to clean up water pollution in the Chesapeake Bay. Nature is magic, just embrace it.
Feral hippos sound extremely dangerous.
Ughh, I will not eat that either.
I , for one, welcome our new adorable giant hairless hampster alien overlords.
4 months and 265 lbs? Damn, the epidemic of childhood obesity just keeps claiming victims.
!!!!!! Not so cuddly then haha. More like.... squishy. As in I get squished.