
Yep, I have none for her and endless sympathy for the kids

It’s the neckline re: Goodwin’s dress. Lose the collar and it would be one of my favorites.

I take no joy in this. Despise the woman but I do feel for her children who never asked for this.

No problem! I was worried it would come off rude or unnecessary, I’m glad you didn’t take it that way!

I think sister like best friend /soul sister not blood (doesn’t make it less family tho)

That’s fucking terrifying

Love Negga’s dress but I think the makeup (maybe because of the lights?) borders on making her look like a ghost

I’m sorry for this pile on of white guilt you’re receiving for being honest. “Allies” can’t self-crit, can’t bear to hear it from others, but still want us to see them as “woke” “allies”.


And rap often deals with boasting, whether or not the reason for the boasting is a good reason 🙄 I don’t know why so many people are acting brand new, or refusing to click the link before speaking on a particular story. Blerghh

And Future recently had a fling with Pippen’s partner...hence the song. That’s what the article the bullet point links to talks about. (side note: the year doesn’t have to be 1998 as there are tons of people who also remember the 90s and are in Future’s audience. Our memories doesn’t reset every year.)

It’s not late if you recently had conflict with the person

Basically there are two camps. Black women who love the performance and understand the depth and white “feminists” who are basically calling her uppity. Obviously there are some legit allies who understand and Black folks who are over it so I know I’m being reductive but that’s just kinda how it feels reading all the

Code switching among American Blacks, and possibly doubly so for children of continental or Caribbean immigrants, is incredibly common. So Kenneth’s character could translate fine provided Black folks are actually contributing to the script/creation of the character

He’s actually not a major leader though? I’m quite tuned in and active myself and he just doesn’t come up. He may be active locally and occasionally nationally (like this event) due to his name but he’s hardly a major leader of the Black community.

I love The Root. I am incredibly nervous about this move, not because I think content will change but because I know Kinja and Kinja users. I fear for your mental health, even as a simple reader who was formerly a regular commenter but now infrequent I’ve seen some truly awful things here. And a site that centers

Well, Pharrell is “New Black” lest we forget *eye roll *

Taylor Swift is Thanos! Brilliant

This was a beautiful comment. Simple, subtle, perfect.

Based on a later response I see that maybe it wasn’t your original intention to mock AAVE but unfortunately it’s not too clear & many responding to you thought it was a comfortable space to engage in that behavior.