
It really shows how deep these ideologies can be. Progressive/liberal /even leftist folks still have a lot of work to do when it comes to unlearning certain perspectives.

The title of this article is extremely dehumanizing. I get the idea that the majority wouldn’t recognize his name and this title will get more interested readers but it doesn’t sit well with me, personally. Like it’s just another Black body dead, no name no life. Reduced to flesh in death and memory. A very

Yes! That's basically all I knew going into it but the film really is so much more. I could watch it over and over again. So far I've only seen it twice, sadly.

Honestly it is sad it took so long for people to learn of Boyega. He was amazing in Attack the Block. It's a great movie, if you haven't seen it go check it out. Exploring class and racial tensions in South London while fending off an Alien attack!

Exactly! You get it

That doesn’t change what I’ve said because the crux of it is in how he’s perceived by the youth I’m talking about. Manufactured or whatever he is a part of a group of young Black celebrities who are helping widen people’s understanding of the various ways people can “be black”. It sounds silly but it’s actually really

But I’m not comparing to his crowd. People, of the non-famous variety, looking at him see someone who is operating outside of the common idea of what Blackness is, particularly Black masculinity.

Whatever, I’m here for it. I appreciate Willow and Jaden and their “weirdness”. I appreciate folks in the limelight who show the multiplicity of Blackness. We will have little Black kids who see themselves as weird/different/eccentric, who don’t fit their peers idea of what it means to be Black (and yes, this even

None of the names are in bold in the first item! How will I know who is a celebrity and who is a useless plebian?!!

Ah, thank you! Too much rounding skews the total!

Ah, I see, thank you. Just oddly phrased then. Thanks!

Maybe I’m not doing the math right, which is likely, but this part confuses me: “Roberts tells the Post that according to the nurses and doctors he interviewed, Yocca had voiced a desire to terminate her pregnancy with a coat hanger when she was only 24 weeks pregnant.”

Still a great headline, it got me not just to click but to first copy, paste, and search.

It’s gossip but not solid gossip. I searched the title Randilyn posted and in the article they even say they aren’t actually holding hands,it's just the angle. The writer thinks they are probably shopping for Kourtney.

Meant to add this in previous comment, but no mention of Chance the Rapper referencing the Laquan McDonald case?

I get the sense Gale would be an excellent cuddler! He just never had a cuddle buddy

White people teach Africana studies all the time. Several M.A. and PhD candidates in my Africana department and on faculty. The chair of the Africana dept at my undergraduate was White and he was great. He also knew and openly acknowledged his Whiteness. The key to being White in Black Studies is self-reflection.

This needs to make an appearance in the comments on almost every article

I do believe those are pecans. Just to make matters worse