
Stop swiping at Israel.

No, it was not anti-Palestinian rhetoric that got this child murdered. It was the hateful rhetoric from The pro Palestinian crowd

Most incredibly, there was no article written about the actual terrorist attack by Hamas. How is that possible? It’s Israel’s version of 9/11 and you don’t even see fit to do an article about it? That’s basically Fox News level journalistic malpractice.

While we’re blaming Iran and Russia, might as well throw China in there too. Literally any country we don’t like can be blamed for this... except for the one currently enforcing the open air prison in Gaza.

“…$450 a week…”

In a year not a single person will care about the last few months of her time in the Senate

Flat taxes are regressive. If the tax rate is set at 25%, someone making $200,000 can afford that a whole lot easier than someone making $20,000. I could get on board with a graduated tax with a lot fewer loopholes and an IRS that sends you a bill instead of making you calculate it yourself, which I believe is done in

Line cooks are more important than CEOs

I hate this PS2-ass style animation. It never feels real to me.

That is an incredibly naïve understanding of the role of schools in children’s’ lives. If it were only about “learning academic subjects” what was the big deal about “socialization” during the pandemic? Parents are welcome to learn to talk to their children about their interests, rather than have an already

It’s amazing to watch apologists like this flop back and forth. On the one hand, it’s no big deal and probably her fault anyway. On the other hand, they said they were sorry and pinkie-swore they’d make sure it didn’t happen again so why are you making a big deal about it?

6 OW2 posts in a row? Really?

Yep, it’s the concept of criticism that people are taking issue with, not the specific content of his words.

finally. now add the desktop mode and i’ll actually use the damn thing

This just in: less work takes less time.

Another side of the problem is that we don’t know how the AI in question was trained - usually they take in a lot of human-created art in order to be able to function at all and most of that is dubiously obtained. So while I get what you’re saying that “it’s ok because they wanted that AI look, it’s silly to pay

They’re using an AI generator here because the characteristic fucked-up way that it tends to render human subjects is artistically appropriate to the themes of the show.

I don’t get it...if she is abiological male” then, by definition, they shouldn’t be upset about her being topless. Right? Either trans people exist or they don’t. If you want to regulate them as their expressed gender then you can’t say they can’t behave in other instances as that gender typically may. So tops on


Again, i’d like to hear what exactly TikTok has on people that makes it such a threat. To this point, they’ve given nothing to us saying what they can do with this data they could not do with legally obtained data they could just buy from people like facebook, google, and all those other data brokers out there.