
maybe they should just not be buying studios, then—considering that they are only adding to the impression that they have no vision for the future of gaming besides monopolizing it. 

this makes the game sound even worse. a forever game that ‘gently pushes you’ to pay for stuff constantly sounds like the opposite of what i would want. i dont want to be manipulated, i want art

Because it’s fun to watch bad things happen to evil people.

Because the rise of a conservative fascist is relevant to all Americans. And you’re kidding yourself if you think he wouldn’t start policing video games.

Yeah. I’ve always felt a party switch should trigger an automatic freeze on policy participation until a new election can be held. There’s absolutely nothing stopping someone from planning this sort of the thing from the start. Even Manchin hasn’t officially switched sides!

omg it’s gwen snyder the mentally ill left-punching democratic party activist! you fell off tbh!

100% wrong on this one pal

This is just a demonstrably false statement, lol. I really hope it was satire. 

So natural to own the biggest cloud tech, the major OS that will be allowing these games to be played. Microsoft should've been broken in the 90s but they were allowed to get stupidly big. 

“Natural” monopolies are still bad. Microsoft is already so large it should be broken up into a software company, a cloud service company and a gaming company.

So the money laundering Tether Cartel doesn’t want to buy out the Voyager ponzi scheme?

If it was REALLY realistic, the video would cut out before, during, and after every time you shoot someone.

It’s been 18 years since Killzone 2 and nothing has changed.
Game trailers that are rendered in engine but everything else is scripted, “Bullshot”, it’s called.
Couple with the fact that the studio making this game, DRAMA studio, has no previous released games. And Alexandre Spindler, the only developer with social

So glad we have responsible reactionary media that will, without a doubt, retract their articles insinuating it was unhoused people. /s

Cry harder:

History will be kind to Rian Johnson/The Last Jedi for at least daring to be interesting and different. Instead, everyone filled their diapers and they panicked and did Rise of Skywalker instead and it sucked.

Seems like a bad idea to double down on the sequel trilogy.

Did they halve the ads for blue or just double them for everyone else? Because I got such a deluge of @bloxoco @blaxastore @flozoco @flizostore and other nonsense stores with incredibly similar avatars advertising the same garbage, I’m guessing it’s the latter. And I just block and block and block and block.

Since apparently the reasoning for the tag is the government gives them some money, by this logic Elon should label himself as State-Sponsored.

But this isn’t a good point? Abortion isn’t a constitutional right anymore, sure, but then it will still occur in blue states that protect that right. The whole point of the anti-choice crowd is a national abortion ban and punishing women who try to get one anyway. Taking away a constitutional right isn’t enough to be