
To be honest, I thought it was a bit of a mess.

Hard for her to be mad about her image and voice being used when she’s sold it to countless parties.”

you seem to be missing the point here.

Nearly two decades late, but good luck with that.

Pssst. Sundar. You know how Google has a reputation for unceremoniously murdering projects at the first sign of a stumble? This would be a good time to lean into that for once.

If you can’t read between the lines of this story about a shitty celebrity coming into an unethically low-paying job and complaining about the location’s low sales numbers on his trash merch, then I’d argue that you’re more likely the person who’s never done retail work. That wouldn’t be fun for anyone but the largest

Nobody’s claiming this is a Jewish conspiracy, so what the fuck are you talking about?

There’s a website called Canary Mission that hosts a public blacklist of pro-Palestinian students, academics, and professionals. It’s been operating for almost a decade. You can google it, and take a look around. There are anti-Semites on that site, but the vast majority are people who are being blacklisted for

Funnily enough I was in a test showing of the Suicide Squad movie (the Ayers one) and they specifically mentioned before starting it that critics didn’t like it but they made this movie for the fans. History repeats I guess. 

It’s also telling that they won’t just open the “alpha” to more players and allow footage that isn’t curated.

It’s like when a movie gets critically thrashed, so the commercials turns to random Twitter pull quotes ("I LOVE THIS MOVIE! @totallynotastan) and people getting interviewed outside of the free sneak preview they got.

The technology is too young for this to be a thing. It would be like having a social media key in 2003.

Nintendo did that as well with Wii Points. It sucked since games would be 900 points or so and they sold them in 1000 increments. 

You forgot to factor in that Kojima, as much as I love his work, is a massive starfucker.

No way Konami would’ve given him the budget for that. I like Kojima, but it’s clear as day that he just wanted an excuse to work with one of his film idols.

That one was pretty gross as well. This was the Microsoft patent — also quite gross.

Yeah. Now. I think it can be hard to think back to a time pre-2008 and just what a gamble Iron Man was for Marvel - a B-tier character with an actor who had been best known over the previous few years for felonies rather than films. Hulk is the only one of those four characters who would have had much in the way of

It’s not over the top. Before last month only the hysterical frauds of the ADL had a problem with the phrase. It is not a call to genocide. Even if you accept it as a call to abolish Israel (which it isn’t) that is not a call to kill Israelis, let alone hunt down and murderer every last Jew on Earth as some Israeli

“counterproductive to promoting peace.”

We have Max by way of the HBO package on our cable sub (I know, get off my lawn), and I’m irritated that we’re being downgraded. That package costs plenty more than $20, to the point where the ~$4 difference between the 1080p and 4K plans is irrelevant.