
Why are you guessing stupid? Why don’t you actually research it. Democrats are a right wing conservative party.   That’s why Biden, Jeffries, and Schumer are their leaders.  Those are all right wingers.   This is how Democrats have been for 50 years.   Republicans move right and the Democrats follow.  Over and over

She’s a right wing conservative. Right wing conservatives run the Democratic Party in New York and nationally.  People are incredibly stupid about politics so Republicans run as Democrats to get elected all over the country because they know people are too stupid, lazy, and uninformed to vote based on their

My favorite part from the WaPo article is when MS claims that buying Activision will increase competition.  Definitely one of the funniest lies ever told.

How many people at Kotaku are on the Amouranth news team?

Another day another Spoiler tittle, I wish Kinja would stop with the quotas about spoiler titles and eliminate them.

Are there really enough differences between the 360 and the current controllers to justify this? It’s not like re-releasing the Wavebird for the Switch or something.

To imply that the rich don’t have massive (extremely direct) influence on what we, the people, can actually achieve under the governmental rule we find ourselves born in to is suspiciously naïve.

My decision to forgo voting has been fully vindicated.

Slate had a similar list right after Dobbs, and...nothing from the Biden administration then either.

“murder and terrorism are A-OK as long as it’s being done under a banner you approve of?”

“But because Marvel has a long history of demonizing “villains” with ostensibly radical politics, like Michael B. Jordan’s Killmonger in Black Panther, or the Flag Smashers in Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Namor necessarily has to become dangerous and start inexplicably killing Wakandans. And that’s what he does!”

“I got this wrong, and I take responsibility for that.””

No, Mark, you are making 11,000 other people take responsibility for that. You are taking no responsibility.

I mean, these sites are struggling and clickbait is the only thing that works. The days of thoughtful articles or any kind of effort put into them is long over.

If you also recall, the PC version was a pile of crap. It ran poor because it was poorly made.

Crazy that game runs pretty well on a Steam Deck today, but I remember it being so bad, that Steam pulled it from their store for a while.

Still doesn’t run flawless for me on a 3070 Ti. I’ve even tried to soft-mod it 3 ways from Sunday. I put that game down when it was new, went back last year, and near endgame it starting acting up again enough to put back down. Such a shame.

I had to dig around to find it. Per their response to Rolling Stone for a comment:


This is such a betrayal to front of house. Way to go, management.

Tell me when Cordon walks into the restaurant and apologizes to the servers in the same public way he humiliated them in the first place.

On your iOS/Android device, go to in the settings-y menu, save to home screen. Open that and log in and compare that to the Twitter mobile app.

I personally no longer have the mobile app installed, I just use the ‘saved to homescreen’ link. I don’t know if there’s 1:1 feature parity, but for everything I