
I just don’t get who it’s for? The people that love posting highly curated images to social media don’t want to “be real,” and those of us who loath social media already aren’t going to dip our toes in for this.

spoken like a person who’s never had to work a food service job. 

You have created 0.00001% of communism with this post

How about sympathy for the devs and creators who make these games? Those people who commit years of their lives to a project only to have some ding dong reveal it before it’s finished? Yeah screw them right?

So basically he’s a scumbag. 

Hey if you guys think those tweets are bad just wait till you hear about the history of British Imperialism

Fuck the monarchy.

Nah. What’s disgusting is what the British empire has done to billions of people in African and other indigenous nations DURING her rule. Not one apology during the entire time, or one ounce of remorse. So for literally everyone else, it’s fuck the queen. Don’t care if you don’t like it.

Yes, when we’ve all “worked as long and hard” as someone born into wealth, privilege, and power they’ve never had to earn, maybe then you’ll allow them to opine on colonialism and oppression.  How kind!

I already wasn’t keen on this game, but possible inclusion of NFT or other blockchain garbage makes it a hard pass.

RDR2 is one of the best games of all time lol...

Well, this is certainly one way to clog up the main page.

Interesting to blame the Millennials. When most of these services came about, there were no millennials in power.

While I was never really in the market for a BMW, I certainly will not buy any vehicle that requires a subscription to use features that the vehicle already has hardware for. Same with a motorcycle. Yes, I’m looking at you, Zero. 

Honest question: Do the Marvel/DC/Star Wars/Star Trek/etc. release threads get meaningful updates often enough that they need to be bumped to the front page once a week, always? It gets rather tiresome to see the same articles in the top eight newest all the time. Plus since I only ever click on links from that top

If they want to compete with TikTok, they should make an app, not try to turn Facebook and Instagram into a TokTok clone.

I’ve never really seen the utility of a switch like that, but I also got rid of all my audio alerts years ago in favor of vibrate-only so I’m probably not the target audience. My Android phone goes into Do Not Disturb automatically on a time schedule and that paired with the still-present volume buttons seem to handle

Good question! It’s subtle enough that the photos don’t do it full justice. I would say that it counts as rose gold, but it’s more subtle and less vibrant than on the iPhone. It’s easy to mistake it for silver under dim lighting or at a glance, but it looks pretty luxurious in the right light. The finish is matte and