
Wait until the next fascist the republicans put forward be competent and run some form of universal healthcare.

Fun animal crossing fact!

Joe Biden’s logo isn’t very good.
That’s it, that’s the comment.

HONEYY look at these veryy cute designs we made in Animal Crossing!”

Ohh shut the fudge up. Tencent owns a stake in a lot of American Companies. not only that but GE appliances is now a chinese owned company. Everything you buy is made in china and get your head out of that fudge stained keister of yours and wake the fudge up.

A Chinese holding company (TenCent) owns a minority stake in the company while Tim Sweeney himself owns the majority of the company (more than 50%).

One of the only things that has me excited about this election is voting for Markey, against JKIII. Markey gave the best speech at the 2017 women’s march in Boston and has always been one of the least appreciated MA politicians. If you’re from MA, vote tomorrow in person if you haven’t dropped your ballot off already!!

I truly wish I could get on this ride with you, Ash, but we gotta be real here: in EA’s hands DA4 is going to be a dumpster fire as big as - if not worse than - Andromeda. There’s no reason to give them the benefit of the doubt that this isn’t going to be another MMO-like where you wander through huge empty maps doing

Not sure if it’s me, the game, the netcode, my shitty internet, or some combination there of - but I can’t stand the soccer game in Fall Guys. The physics just feel like they aren’t making sense / things aren’t as responsive as they should be.

I think this is the setting

Is there a global “Ask all apps not to track” option? I appreciate the pop-up but I’m going to be saying “no” to everything.

No, HIV Denialism and alt-right nationalism is far right. And you’re a far right apologist, if not supporter. A terribly transparent one at that.

God, I can’t imagine the development hell that this project has gone through.

Truthfully, it’s -very- uncommon for next-gen consoles to have titles that really -sell- the hardware and make clear that it’s worth upgrading at the start.

You’re really wearing rose-colored glasses if you believe Republicans acted in good faith during the Obama, GWB, or Clinton years. This shit did not start with Trump, don’t know why people keep acting like it did. 

Ah yes, the show for people who love to win epic imaginary arguments in their head. Let’s gooooooo.

- The JB presidency would give Bernie a run for his money. I am shocked I did not remember how progressive the story was when it came to policies on the show.

Yeah that...was fiction, not a “bygone age”. By 1999 the Republican Party was led by corrupt psychopaths like Tom DeLay (Newt Gingrich having exited the stage) who very much laid the foundation for Trump.

Never forget these rich assholes are getting a slap on the wrist while a black mother was put in jail for using her father’s address JUST so her kids could go to a better school. As she said in her own words,“They wanted me to be an example.”

Remember that episode that was just an excuse for Sorkin to use his female characters as mouthpieces to rant about how much he hates the idea of the ERA? That aged great.