
I guess we can add Lab Zero to the list of companies with douchebag owner-creators. They join an illustrious group including, but not limited to, Gearbox and Ubisoft.

Case of COVID-19 reinfection.

It’s not “endless pouting” to not trip over yourself to offer unconditional praise for everything Biden does. You liked the speech. Okay, good for you. Not everyone has to just be bursting at the seams with gushing love for Joe Biden, particularly when on some key areas he is really not that good.  Do you want Jezebel

M4a polls great. Even republicans are almost even on support for it. The only thing making it a pipe dream is the politicians we keep voting into office who won’t stop SAYING it’s a pipe dream. Shit, we’re the only industrialized nation that doesn’t offer some form of single-payer or universalized healthcare, and

He deregulated the banks on his way out. Fuck em.

500,000 Iraqi children (who would be adults now) would beg to differ if they hadn’t died from Clinton’s sanctions. Or maybe the Serbs should thank him for all of the cluster bombs NATO dropped that still pose a threat to civilians after killing hundreds. Or maybe the millions of new prison inmates that resulted from

Remote controlled as well. Everything on these cars was replaced with new so they were safe and drove (and stopped) The remote (stunt) driver controlled everything with hydraulics from his perch.

The reason why it’s been a minute since I’ve played overwatch is exactly because of what you describe. I feel you sis. <3

That recurring bite, sting and burn of racism is why I quit playing games like COD and Overwatch unfortunately. My “friends?” couldn’t understand why I would quit two games that I honestly excelled at over people being stupid and racist but I tried to explain to them that the mental toil of constantly seeing and

“An ‘independent firm’ hired by Polestar...”


Technically Apple is in the wrong. By their own rules, they aren’t supposed to be charging their 30% fee for stuff that can also be used on non-Apple devices (which is why there is no extra charge for kindle e-books bought through the Kindle app), and technically the V-Bucks for Fortnite fall under that as they can be

I’m trying to think of a good comparison to this, and I think I have one. This would be like if back in the day, Car and Driver bought a copy of Cars magazine, and then re-printed pictures from it in their own magazine. And when they got sued, they then claimed that because they bought a copy of the magazine, they

Imagine suing a brick and mortar business for refusing to distribute your product for free.

So you going to apologize for calling his apology “weaselly” now that it’s clear he was being pretty magnanimous to accusations made in ill-faith?

Conservatism has become 100% synonymous with lying, it’s all they have left.

How do you “generally” confess?

AG is a common way to get into politics. But the price for that particular path of serving your ambition are the people ground into dust by the criminal justice machine you help move along. There are other paths to a political career. She made a choice to springboard her career on the backs of all the people that get

I’m sure Jezebel would be flattered to learn they are capable of “tanking” any candidate.

Listen, I don’t want to come off as an asshole here. There’s no doubt in my mind that there are a ton of wonderful, immensely talented people at 343and I wish them nothing but the absolute best...but there’s no real nice way of saying this, so I’ll just say it...

343 was a mistake and MS should have let Halo go after