
Probably because they missed a lot of guns before because there are too many passengers and now they’re able to scrutinize every bag without delaying people too long.

There is nothing about someone being classified an “employee” or given certain protections or benefits that prevents their employer from giving them flexibility.

Careful now, they're gonna be replaced with whoever runs Google's messaging apps strategy. 

it felt like i was having a stroke while writing this story

Jesus christ somebody please fire the people in charge of naming their consoles.

kill yourself

kill yourself

Ok? And so is the rest of America’s PPE as of late. Doesn’t make it less protective. 

Ok? And so is the rest of America’s PPE as of late. Doesn’t make it less protective. 

It’s fucking awful!! but thank god for that latest tab!

They can clearly afford to pay their employees better. They just value their insanely high profits more.

Man I sure hope Bobby gets a pay raise after this. I heard he was first to sign that petition internally.

Blacklisted and boycotted Activision after they fucked over staff working on Modern Warfare 2 and haven’t looked back. Feeling justified.

The same company that posted record results last year and then said “it could have been more record resulty” and laid off 10% of their workforce? That company?

She has also been shitty with some guests she’s had, namely Hasan Minhaj, at that point he had repeatedly spoken about the way his name was mispronounced, but she didn't care about it, and of course the infamous interview with Dakota Johnson. 

“Ellen was always nice to me, a pop star, so I can’t believe she would be shitty to an assistant!” Cool, thanks, Katy!

Well, of course Ellen was nice to you, Katy Perry, for you are ALSO rich and famous.  She doesn’t give two nutty turds about the poors and/or unknowns, especially if they work for her, because she thinks she owns them.

LOL a celebrity trying to go to bat for Ellen with “well she’s always been nice to me!”

“Your CyberTruck failed to check in last month. We’ve removed all the features, please contact Tesla support.”

Maybe it’s just me, but based on their single sentence answer (“No, we believe that PS5 games should take advantage of the new capabilities and features we’re bringing to the platform, including the features of DualSense wireless controller.) I’m skeptical this is just a shakedown for more controller sales. That’s

“She knows she can be tough at times,” the source continued, “but believes she works hard and is extremely creative and that it’s a privilege to work for her and be around her.”