
LinkedIn, Reddit, and tons of other apps were discovered doing the exact same thing re: accessing iOS users’ clipboards. Also, Tiktok snooping on your data (something just about every popular app does, unfortunately) does not automatically mean they’re leaking that data to Beijing. 

It’s just too hard prosecuting these cases, so why bother with the people that literally shape the world with their maneuvering.

If only! The U.S. never really prosecutes past administrations, or really anyone in a meaningful way. Our prisons are filled with low level criminals, but the people that fuck up the economy, white collar, government bullshit, just move along with a change in administrations because that’s the past, and the new admins

And the Federal Trade Commission won’t say a word?

The cop tells TMZ that the family has been paying the overtime for local police to watch their home, a practice that will continue for “the foreseeable future,”

Today’s moderates are yesterday’s Republicans who didn’t want to handcuff themselves to the dead Neo-Con prostitute in the 80’s and 90’s.

I don’t give a shit what braindead people think.

I can’t think of anything smaller and non-frivolous than this though.

Yes the sensible people who believe in science and reason but still don’t care about universal healthcare even in the midst of a pandemic that’s ravaging the country. Very sensible indeed.

Moderates aren’t really Democrats. They’re basically their own elite party and will shoot down anything progressive or can’t profit off of.

You must be thinking of some other party. And no, I’m not a Trump supporter or a Republican.

With their new government, people in Bolivia who complain will simply cease to exist. Your CIA tax dollars at work!!

Stopping the military from being on a singular service is too big of a concept for you? No wonder the democratic party gave us jack over the past 30 years except a giveaway to insurance companies and private industry.

I think you’re missing the point.  The military SHOULD NOT be recruiting on a platform largely used by children.  It’s like pornhub showing buying ads on the disney channel.

why does the democratic party even exist, goddamn


People in Bolivia may disagree with this “saving the world” thing 

Plain clothes, running up and snatching someone without clear establishment of what authority you are representing is not how we as Americans accept an arrest. This person was not a violent extremist or anything that would require a tactic of this level. Nor would would we arrest someone who did meet that level in

Fuck you. 

Do you lick the boot or do you also suck on it too? Like whats your technique.

Also, the negative partisanship is the reason we have no empathy anymore...and when you can look at this an be like “cool” then our democracy is fucking dead.