
meh, im personally pissed this money had to filter through businesses instead of going directly to individuals. it will be a great day when Americans and our politicians realize you are more than your job.  

Yea one boss that’s like 80% of the way through the game definitely equals a tit show. 

There’s so much wrong with Brave. From the fact that sites have to go along with their cryptocurrency model to make any money from the ads Brave does display (or users donate), to the portion they take from publishers. Not to mention it was started by disgraced former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich, who’s well known for

After their May? showcase of 3rd party games showing off “gameplay” and getting roasted it for it the following months, I’m really surprised this is what they showed off as a comeback and answer to Sony. Showed off cg trailers for games that won’t exist for another 2 or 3 years. Showed off nothing that told you that

That was honestly pretty disappointing.

I believe it when it releases. Did this whole song and dance already this current gen.

10 years ago I would have been chuffed as all get out to see this. Hell, even 5 years ago it might’ve done something for me. But now? There’s nothing here that any number of other game franchises aren’t either doing or doing better. 343 Industries has truly run Halo into the dirt.

If you told me that footage was from an xbox 360 halo game I would have believed you, and then yawned.

Well, last week I did my job to make sure Volvo stays solvent and continues to make wagons.

I forgot to mention, the reason Biden was chosen as Obama’s running mate was that Biden would garner more conservative voters. I think people seem to have forgotten about that little bit of history.

I posted previously, that we now had a choice between trump and a republican and was roasted for it.

Of course they are killing the Fit. It’s a car that fills the needs of 94.3% of America so no one is buying it. As for getting rid of the Accord manual... Eff everyone who talks the talk but doesn’t buy manual transmissions.

You know, in hindsight, maybe a system whereby the top judges in the country are selected by whichever politician currently sits in the White House and then serve until death was not the best system.

Part of me feels like this is an excuse to play up racist Cuban stereotypes with a baked-in excuse of “But it’s not Cuba!”

It really sucks that a lot of people live in apartments and can’t effectively use an antenna for broadcast TV, because there’s literally no reason why these channels should not be free. They are broadcast on extremely valuable spectrum that was earmarked for broadcast TV at no cost to the stations that use them, so we

I’m still so bleak about the fact that a proper part of Half-Life lore and story is locked behind hardware that I cannot justify spending money on. As much as I want VR I can’t justify to my partner spending money on this thing that costs at least as much as a PC, and has only a scattering of must play games. It was

Remember Natasha Tynes, the lady who got “cancelled” because she tried to get an MTA worker fired for eating on the train?

Now playing

That’s exactly the point. Cancel culture doesn’t exist. These (mostly) thin-skinned people just feel they shouldn’t be criticized. It’s such a lame take.

These so-called cancelled people still produce works, yes? And when they open their mouths, they make the news, yes? As far as I know, they can still make money in some other capacity, yes?

translucent black would be cool.