
Imagine creating an organization that celebrates conspicuous consumption and unearned wealth and then having either the extreme self-awareness, or the extreme lack thereof, to call your organization One Percent.

Please add this to the post:

“Can’t wait to watch Bezos, Microsoft, and Starbucks to just tell them to eat shit and pick up and move elsewhere; then watch the city implode in to a Demolition Man style shithole worse than it already is.”

Gonna need this image a lot in these comments I think.

No background on how the major source for this stuff, Adrian Zenz of the “Victims of Communism Foundation,” is a right-wing end-times evangelical who claims the fall of the US will bring about the rise of the antichrist and that homosexuality is “one of the four empires of the beast”? A researcher whose other

Exactly. It looks like a lamely unsubtle parody of extreme centrism, one of the memetoons flying around chapo reddit where ha! - a character says they can’t see the difference between the Klan member in the left panel and civil rights marchers in the next one, like, i just wanna grill, amirite folx?

Now playing

You remember that there was a fan remake of Episode 1 Racer that got shut down, right?

Twitch HQ was ashamed when Marie Kondo visited.

It doesn’t matter. Julian Assange embarrassed the United States (and many other countries), and they are going to make him pay. And he’s the perfect target—almost no one is going to stand up for Assange, an accused rapist who many blame for Trump’s election.  Nevermind that this indictment hangs on the very thinnest

Is Musk really a skeptic or is he just a liar for profit?  I don’t see him on the lines with no mask shaking peoples hands.   It seems like the rich are only skeptical when it comes to their profit machines.

Hey, you might want to reword the headline to clarify that it is the PA Supreme Court and not the US Supreme Court. And, as always, fuck Cosby.

I guarantee I can pick his mechanical locks, and all I’ve done to learn is watch a few hours of YouTube. People have been opening/starting cars since the first lock.  Locks, electronic or not only set the level of investment a thief has to make. 

I have zero desire for any car where I have to fuck around with putting physical keys in locks. I have my Luddite tendencies when it comes to cars, but keys are very much not one of them. I have touch code locks on my HOUSES too. Physical keys are relics of bygone days.

Take your slippery slope argument and slide it right up your ass.  

You can’t argue that pop culture doesn’t influence actual culture in a country with a reality TV star as the president.  

These ads—an estimated 88 of them, according to Media Matters—asked for Facebook users to “stand with your President and his decision to declare ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization.”

I don’t want to hear anybody say that this is an accident. I’m sick of the excuse of stupidity or ignorance to be used to defend this administration’s actions (“Trump’s too stupid to know it is a Nazi symbol, yada yada yada). Even if say Trump really didn’t know, he is not operating alone in the White House. He has

Imagine being so secure in your job and so protected from the consequences of your poor performance that your employer will hire a consultant to work with you just so you can achieve minimal competence at the thing they hired you to do

In 2016, ABC News even hired an executive coach to help her relate better to her colleagues. However, it didn’t work.

Am I the only person who doesn't find it just soooo hilarious when a person talks in a terribly exaggerated Asian accent, and the joke is… that they're talking in a terribly exaggerated Asian accent? I'm hardly the PC police but the end tag was just painful.
they say their r's like l's LOL wut?!