
A series with 2 entries and 3 remasters

I’m glad they decided to include a comments section. 404media is another recently-launched site from former Waypoint staff that has amazing articles, but they excluded comments. Even if the comments are from the dumbest people in the world, the inclusion is a great way to juice engagement

I get Max through a grandfathered AT&T plan, which will be part of the subs getting 4K access removed

The hashtag was used by anti-choice freaks, is that right? In that case, great job by these two diluting its effectiveness 

Cliff Bleszinski wants a high paying job managing a team with a large budget

Their selection is far, far too limited for a full priced streaming option, even if their content is better than average. Plus, unlike every other streamer, they offer (virtually) no third-party content.

This but also for every media franchise ever

Some of Nick’s comparisons are due to an LOD bug that was resolved in a day zero patch. It doesn’t seem like there are any areas where the SM1 Remaster looks better than 2 when you’re not looking at the bugged screencaps

Why do all of the images and most of the video review show the phone in the ugly-as-sin case? It makes it look like an OtterBox phone. If you’re going to review a product, show the actual product.

He basically opens the “apology” video saying “Hey, I’m gonna put this out cause I’m worried I’ll get cancelled if I don’t

Fleeced? Maybe the obvious reality is that Democrats don’t give a shit about LGBT or women’s rights broadly. The fact that they’ve never even made a half-hearted attempt to codify Roe for 50 years, and STILL aren’t doing anything about it.

the bar is so fucking low man

Being the chief lobbyist who enshrined the most anti-labor legislation of the decade makes you just “not perfect enough

I cannot wait to vote third party when this shitheel inevitably becomes the Dems’ candidate in 2028.

less than 20% of the study’s participants used the platform in any capacity during the week

Games used to also be feature-complete at launch, and not have half their content locked behind DLC paywalls

Rick’s new VA sounds spot on during regular talking, but way off when speaking excitedly or angrily (which is at least 40% of Rick’s dialogue). Morty sounds dead on.

I’m not a dev, but my understanding is most Japanese developers tied programming to the frame rate, and didn’t really break out of that mindset until well into the 360/PS3 gen.

The original face looked extremely weird to me. It was very uncanny valley.

The Mercedes Menendez Benz