
I’m watching the series for the first time and just saw this episode. No one will likely see this, but the order of events was:

Hasan’s “emotional truths” aren’t a fraction as controversial as the crap Trevor has said on stage. Google “Trevor Noah Strike”

Every company in the US tracks badge swipes. This article is redbaiting bullshit

Might have sold better if its name didn’t sound like something from a scammy mobile game ad

Does Gizmodo get invite to Apple keynotes now?

Slight correction: The director who sometimes makes decent adaptations of established works but always makes shitty movies when based on original material

This article should have been posted when the web version was actually launched. Mosseri confirmed the first week a web version would happen. The only question is the timing.

“I didn’t say she was bad at her job, I’m just asking questions”

You immediately jumped to hypothesizing that her claims are “over blown”. Your entire post is “maybe she misinterpreted” + “she was probably bad at her job” + “boys will be boys” + “she should have known what the culture was like

You’re a piece of shit my dude

It’s funny they rushed out this “apology” video that is appeasing no one, when they should have waited for the (more serious) criticism from their own former employee.

In 2022, fewer than one percent of all players received a temporary suspension, and only one third of those received a second. Our data shows us that players typically stop inappropriate behavior after one enforcement

This is going to flop because no one is going to realize it’s NOT about the R&B singer.

Love that the headline leaves out the other person that was murdered and implies that one of the victims maybe deserved it

Love that they’re also randomly moving around the other buttons for no discernable reason. Can’t wait to put my call on speakerphone when I meant to mute myself

While reading that tweet I though “Yeah, so what? In a CRPG you can usually hover over items and see a tooltip description”. Then I realized he meant the viewer can hover to see the descriptions in the streamer’s game.

IANAL but I work adjacent to them and have to deal with POAs often.

But performing along to backing tracks is quite common

When I saw Barbie this weekend, there was a trailer for some new Illumination animated film about ducks. What was interesting was the first minute of the trailer was just a montage of clips from the studio’s older films like Minions.

Unpopular opinion: Funko Pops should be banned. Wasting our resources and polluting the environment with this plastic junk is a crime against humanity