
If Gwen “left-puncher” Snyder becomes a regular contributor, I will stop visiting this site.

I think it’s just that they wanted to show him playing in in both docked and portable mode, but over 6 years later they still don’t have a killer marketing hook for why it needs to be portable beyond “uh, you can play it when you’re bored on the bus/subway”

The modern internet was developed in a constant growth industry since the dot com crash. 2008 was brutal, but tech stocks were relatively unscathed.

The prioritization of his verified cult and their reaction to Neely’s murder is the point of no return for me. As soon as I get a Bluesky invite, I’m deleting Elon’s trash off my phone for good.

This is shocking to me. With the current reputation of both Tucker and Fox News among the MAGA cult, it appears that Fox needs Tucker much more than Tucker needs Fox.

A thing called nuance exists. She’s obviously using the adopted name to make herself appear Spanish, despite being as white as the fallen snow. It’s absolutely justified to point out her pseudonym every time.

Breaks his Silence

I used to subscribe to AMC+ to watch The Bureau and Interview with the Vampire. I caught up on those and decided to watch the final season of Better Call Saul, arguably AMC’s biggest show at the moment.

This is a good policy implemented in the dumbest way possible. Of course US-state sponsored outlets should get the same tags other countries get. But applying it only to NPR is such a right-wing dumb guy move.

You can pick up that boot that you love to lick so much alongside that burger

This will be awesome depending on what kind of interaction is available. The worst part of the first game is you spent the entire time on a bunch of dead planets (at least devoid of sentient life). It made it feel very “here’s the swamp planet, here’s the ice planet, etc.)

Such a cruel world. The first show I ever saw Lance in was LOST, and even in that show (and with such a limited role) he was a standout presence.

Thank you for this. I haven’t watched ST since Season 1 and I’ve forgotten all of the character’s names, but I know Crissy from the viral TikTok sound last year.

This is the best explanation for why these sycophants do free labor for him that isn’t completely depressing

All of my G/O Media bookmarks end in /latest and as soon as you scroll down a few pixels, the only difference is a slightly bolder look in the headlines. I still wish G/O would get rid of the horrible Home default and shift Latest back to being the main view.

It wasn’t “gay Twitter” that made the clip go viral, it was TikTok

On the one hand it’s Rocksteady. They deliver banger after banger and really, out of most of the developers in the industry right now are one of the devs I have confidence will not shit the bed spectacularly and will release a solid game.

I was excited about the island when the 14 Pro was announced because I thought it was a more elegant solution than the notch. As soon as I got my 14 Pro, I realized the island is garbage and the notch is far superior.

He’s literally on an advisory board of an organization that exists to promote NFT. Even if he thinks he’s promoting NFTs in “the right way”, the truth is they’re just another crypto scam with no real world value, so Keanu lending his credibility to the space will just lead to more people losing money.

I suppose a small silver lining is that Hex openly discussed the VRChat sw which led to the denial. It would have been more frightening if UNCIS proactively discovered her sw, which would mean they were already actively monitoring the app and logging the activity within it..