
I still think conceptually a major issue Disney has with running their own streaming service is that it will always have the image of being “family friendly” content. When they launched, they explicitly shunned R-rated content. Considering the type of content that tends to go viral for streaming services (think GOT),

Bioware is no longer the studio that garnered critical acclaim with near every release, and hasn’t been since ~2010. Mass Effect 3 was the last game they were able to put out that showed any of their old spark.

Has there ever been a video game adaptation where the lead actors have actually played the game before?

So is Jezebel just reposting obviously photoshopped, Facebook boomer-level posts as articles now?

I signed up for Peacock last weekend to watch Tar and it’s by far the worst streaming app I’ve used on Apple TV. There are no settings you can tweak, so you’re forced to listen to autoplay previews if your cursor hovers on a title for longer than 2 seconds. Absolutely miserable experience

TLOU had awesome gameplay. Playing on hard, the combat and stealth encounters were intense and highly engaging

I was curious how much he was involved in the Netflix version. I think this is the first confirmation that he wasn’t involved at all.

For anyone who isn’t financially savvy: Interest rates are ALWAYS stated in annual amounts, regardless of the length of the loan. If you take out a 36-month car loan at 5%, that 5% is what you’ll pay annually even though it’s a 3 year loan.

Amouranth (102nd highest all time subs) is regularly referred to by name in headlines, but Hasan (14th highest) is merely “Twitch Star”?

Billionaire announces he plans to move all of his money from his right pocket to his left pocket

I much prefer Nintendo’s approach to hardly ever discounting their games to MS/Sony’s approach of creeping microtransactions in every interaction (plus a new $70 list price)

Elon Musk Is Taking Legal Action Against Student Who Tracks His Private Jet

Honestly, it’s always disappointing when a studio has a string of separate, great titles and they decide to make a sequel to their most recent game.

It’s been less than 24 hours since it was first released. Can you please not fucking spoil the show already?

Not to mention Xbox 360 controllers were still available well into the Xbox One’s life, and have only been hard to find for the past ~5 years or so.

TrueAnon did a great series on this story. It’s probably the most bizarre event in history

It’s nice when these new media startups come out the gate with explicit messaging to let you know they can’t be trusted.

I’ve literally never seen this character in any posts until this article. Writers and editors need to chill with “broke the internet” type articles

She’s literally married to a Heritage Foundation ghoul. Activision really loves hiring the worst people in the country.

It’s hilarious seeing companies continuing to make NFT project announcements like this knowing they were probably budgeted for and approved several months ago, at the height of crypto prices, and due to organizational inertia they have no choice but to launch these doomed products