Stephen Dowling Botts

“The system” did not kill your brother. A single, human murderer did, apparently, possibly exacerbated by dangerous activities your brother was involved in. I wouldn’t sound so hard-hearted if it weren’t for that fact that externalizing blame to make faceless white people at fault is so dangerous — to people of color.

All right. Finally did the deed... perhaps I will be toasting you in a few days...

Damn decent of you.

Well, I don’t think an officer would formally say that, because what’s the point, really? But yes, if you truly believe the officer has no legal basis to arrest you, nor even the good faith idea in his head that he does (which is also important), you can resist with proportional force. But that is a super rare

Well, I confess I am not an expert, but I don’t believe you have the right to resist an improperly formed warrant. Even if the officer is wrong to arrest you, as long as they, in good faith, believe they have that right, they have that right.

I would think taking an officer's life in the course of an arrest is not a "right" most courts would recognize. I suppose, in a situation where, for example, the officer was the ex-boyfriend of your current girlfriend, and was arresting you for literally nothing other than to possibly take you back to the station

You also have the right to be charged with manslaughter, at the very least, which is what would happen there.

See? It happens to everyone, regardless of color. Ignore the cops at your peril.

It doesn't matter. This is what people don't seem to get—you must comply with the cop, even if he says "I am arresting you because I don't like the cut of your jib," or "Because you are black." You must comply. Scream and sue about it later, but comply.


Was "Rex Ryan" too on-the-nose?

Santa Claus don’t play, mothahfuckas.
ETA: But if he did, he would still probably start for the current 6ers...



Dwight, FTW.

Was going to let it go, other people have successfully demonstrated the breath-taking idiocy of your argument (Kitty Mackinnon? FFS.), but I have to have put in my two cents after the viciously ignorant lynching analogy. You know nothing, nothing at all, about lynching in the South other than the fact that it

“Hey, sounds like you follow a bunch of annoying people on Twitter.”

I’m rent-stabilized is how I can afford it. We need more of that.

Yes, no indeed. Your roomie sounds like a complete wanker, just having a wee bit of fun... make it so! Tee-hee-hee....

No, you share a room for that, I thikn it’s 2500 for your own room. very, very bad deal, even for NYC.