Stephen Dowling Botts

No. McCain was losing whomever he picked.

I know it wasn't your main point, but I am in fact watching you at your desk while you work. Just, since you brought it up.


Lord have mercy, you must feel like a total asshole right about now.

You sound fun.

It's Hammer time!

All generalizations are always bad.

Gross false equivalence is gross. And false.

Good article. Though, for some reason, I keep hearing "Who makes Steve Gutenberg a star?"

Still has not arrived, dammit! Should be any day now. I will let you know...

Shouldn’t it be “Without that person’s knowledge and permission”? Otherwise, it seems to imply that the practice is fine, as long as the victim sees you doing it...

No no no no no no NO! Jesus jumped up motherfucking Christ, no! “Redskin" does not now, nor has it ever, referred to a “Scalped Indian.” Of course, I can see where this came from, because it makes perfectly logical sense to name your team after dudes who just got hideously maimed, right? Right? I cannot even with the

Oh God, I hate that! So... what did you do then?

It's going to be like a slow-motion Carr accident.

I confess I haven't followed His Ballhogness much over the years, but I am curious if anyone knows WTF happened between 2013 and 2014, where KB goes from 5.1 to -.2, never to recover. That is a stunning drop.


A message from my spirit animal:

If it's that simple, you really should just use TurboTax. If you don't itemize or have a lot of exotic deductions, it is amazingly simple, and far cheaper than a preparer.

You'll always be a part of me.