Stephen Dowling Botts

Was going to let it go, other people have successfully demonstrated the breath-taking idiocy of your argument (Kitty Mackinnon? FFS.), but I have to have put in my two cents after the viciously ignorant lynching analogy. You know nothing, nothing at all, about lynching in the South other than the fact that it

“Hey, sounds like you follow a bunch of annoying people on Twitter.”

I’m rent-stabilized is how I can afford it. We need more of that.

Yes, no indeed. Your roomie sounds like a complete wanker, just having a wee bit of fun... make it so! Tee-hee-hee....

No, you share a room for that, I thikn it’s 2500 for your own room. very, very bad deal, even for NYC.

Amazing athlete. And if I were 8 foot tall, I’d be even more amazing.

Are you suggesting Counselor Troy was anything other than sexy? Because, if so, it really sounds like you’re the monster here.

Concern troll is concerned.

They sound like assholes.

Um, this is embarrassing, but about this time last year, I said”Drumpf" three times into a mirror. I thought it was just an urban legend...

Dude weighing on here: there isn’t a lid for your pot—there are thousands. Will you find any of them? I cannot say. But you have obvious advantages—you are clearly smart and a good writer, and probably highly capable at many things. There are women with far less than you have to offer who do quite well.

Pete Rose Hall of Fame or no?

I think those would have to be some rather heavy panties, in order to be heard dropping. That said, negging is one of the oddest, most depressing things I have ever read about.

All true though, in fairness, S. E. Cupp is indeed a fucking idiot.


I think she says it in Born Rich. But he has told the story differently...

Okay, but... can he or can he not sit at a desk? If he can, he can work, no?


Done and done.