While I do not doubt that there people who are spending that kind of money on a game like this who SHOULD be putting that money elsewhere, it accomplishes nothing to make a blanket statement like that.
While I do not doubt that there people who are spending that kind of money on a game like this who SHOULD be putting that money elsewhere, it accomplishes nothing to make a blanket statement like that.
It saddened me to see so many people commenting in the other story that they don’t believe Takei’s accuser, even when they believe accusers in other cases.
This is so meta. Teen girl needs to adopt male alter-ego to be taken seriously in baseball journalism, but adopts male alter-ego of a sketchy jerk, gets busted.
There’s far too many gender issues in this story than one could unpack in ten lifetimes.
I pledge to Dead Orbit just because they’re the ones whose philosophy I most agree with. New Monarchy wants an aristocratic government, which nuts to that, while FWC are escalationists who value military action over humanity’s other interests. Dead Orbit wants us to expand beyond the solar system to accomplish as much…
Because the man who apparently slut shamed a rape survivor is the perfect person to settle this...
Based on her account, I would bet good money the producer “boyfriend” knew exactly what he was doing by bringing her there and not going along when she wanted to leave. Feels like he might have brought him women before (or others had) and he knew the drill.
We have to be better than we were. I’m encouraged and heartened by reading my brothers’ moral quandaries about their past behaviors, because it echoes the concerns I have about my own. How could it be a bad thing in the slightest to do an intensive and honest self inventory? It’s learned behavior, and it can be…
My main issue is that Destiny 1 PvP was fun. Even when we had to deal with bullshit shotties everywhere, or sticky grenades, or Thorn, it was still fun (and rage inducing at times, yes) to play. I liked playing Crucible for the sake of playing Crucible.
Yeah because he’s an immature man child. I don’t think he has any social skills what so ever and is allowed to get away with anything knowing his mom would coddle him to safety.
I get what you’re saying and did not see you as giving him a pass on posting her nudes. Rob seems like the kind of person who can’t let out aggression face to face, so will do it over the internet instead.
I also don’t want to doubt abuse from Rob on her end... but something tells me he didn’t hit her. I think he is used to being such a punching bag, that the revenge porn is the only way he knows how to get anger out.
You make some good points, but all other things are not equal, as you indicated earlier, and individuals vary, so I’d avoid the “double standard” trap.
The only proper answer: however many times you and your partner mutually agree. Also only start when you mutually agree.
in LA up to four cars will go thru the red light to make a left turn lol.
You mean gun it across the intersection the nanosecond the light turns green, cutting off the approaching traffic? Classic
Pull into the intersection. If the intersection is big enough, pull up enough so another car behind you can get in too. That way when the light changes, you don’t screw over the person behind you, and you both make the light.
When people sit behind the line at an intersection, I want drag them out of their cars.
This is my biggest driving pet peeve. In regular driving conditions, you should always pull into the intersection and be ready to go if there’s a break in traffic or you get the green arrow. If the light turns yellow, you complete your turn so you’re not blocking the opposing traffic. It’s really pretty simple.
And they look so damned happy when they do it. Somehow. Despite the lack of any sort of face at all.