
I also like a Nickleback song, Moonlight? Moon-something? Anyways, I like it and I don’t care!

I’m super pale as well, and I use Kat Von D’s line of foundation and it matches perfectly. Her entire line is actually amazing. But, it may be more pricey than what some are willing to pay.

It’s $35, but I use it every day, full face, and it lasts about 3 months. It has great coverage, and one press is usually all I

Thank you! I think that it’s a combination of underestimating her because she never fit into a mold with pop, but her music did, PLUS the fact that people are so used to the singers not being able to actually sing that it’s mind-blowing.

It was like “liking” her, became this taboo thing, because anything different in

Yep. It’s very easy to alway say just leave, but it’s not as black and white as that. No matter how many people might say it is.

You are not crazy. Never forget that. And also, trust your intuition. I have always trusted my intuition and have not been wrong ONCE.

Hahahahahaha I was over here like, “yo, no hablo español”. I'm right there with you.


Thank you for adding the extra “to death”. I can’t with nature sometimes.

The proper cheese for a burrito is Chihuahua cheese. That’s even what they use at Chipotle. Not Monterey Jack. Not cheddar. Stop it.

Hahahaha “are you Donald Trump?” Thank you for this.

That is the best response ever and sums up EXACTLY how I feel about the whole thing. It rings so true to the situation. I don’t think anyone imagines that their relationship won’t last, especially when bringing a child into it.

And I can totally understand what you mean about your BF thinking that the kids may prefer

Me too! It can be so hard to talk about some of this stuff, because I feel like people are so easy to just say “move on”. But, that isn’t what I want to do, you know?

And so far, I haven’t had ANY interaction with the ex. It took 2 months of asking for her to even agree to let the baby bear come over to my place, I

Yes! I completely understand, it felt good to write to someone in a similar position. And my goodness, just like you I am long term planner, I mean we’re investing our time and lives, I think it makes sense to think about the future, because it’s where you’re heading, you know?

I googled it too, but all I found were

You know. . . I never thought about it, but what you’re saying kinda makes sense.

I am in a relatively new relationship with a Dad. Him and baby momma dated for 3 years, got pregnant, and about 8 months after the baby was born they decided to call it quits because they were constantly arguing. Baby momma was upset that he was working 14hr days and never home, but he had to work that much to support

What. . . the fuuuuuuuuuuu. . . .


Thank you. Thank you for bringing this up. Because I think that is what he’s referencing as well.

That’s exactly what I thought too. I think he’s just a Dandy.

Oh gosh. Thank you very much for the concern. He doesn’t say it to guilt me into staying with him, it’s more that he just doesn’t value his own existence, which makes him feel that he doesn’t deserve to have someone care about him. He was going to therapy for almost a year, but the therapist let us know that she