
Seriously, I have given up on playing non turn based games for the most part. I’ve never been into twitch gaming, never will be into it... there is nothing inherently dated about turn based battles - plenty of current gen games have it.

And they have tonnes of money on hand. Nintendo is one of the least investor-reliant companies in the world because they are so well-capitalized.

You know, I just checked and no stores anywhere near here are even selling vitas...

I loved my PSP and wanted to love the Vita, but I kept waiting for a game to come out on it that I really wanted... and it never happened. The memory cards really killed it for me. Every time I was close to convincing myself to purchase, I’d factor in spending 1/3 the cost of the console for a memory card big enough

bathrooms are pretty important and solo bathrooms are usable for a lot of people and preferable for a lot of people. A lot of places make solo, trans friendly bathrooms extra accessible for folks in wheelchairs etc. So no, you’re not just investing for those 2 kids. What a bad example. Children need to be able to go

Yes this. It was a hot mess in some ways but I liked the skills and combat much better in FFXIV 1.0. I have tried 2.0 but it is a soulless theme park now. I hate what they did to jobs like pugilist and thaumaturge. Basically I stopped playing when they ruined the job ability system.

I love vanilla

Three cheers to the person up there asking how to turn off Rotom. SO ANNOYING. SHUT UP ROTOM.

yes this. there are many of us that actually prefer turn based games and will continue to prefer them regardless of whatever the praxis is about them being outdated etc.

Yeah this is a lot of how I feel about olde FFXI. That stuff has been mostly taken out of the game now since needing a group to level would effectively make leveling impossible at this point... just not enough people leveling anymore.

I had never heard it before...

agreed this was great - really captures what it was to play mmos back before the WoWification of MMOs

honestly it might be worth waiting till January to play sun/moon because then pokemon bank will be updated. not having it is a bummer.


Don’t judge us based on macrobrews. Try a Fat Tug IPA and get back to me.

Tim Hortons is awful. It’s also owned by an American corporation.

Having a smaller population actually makes single payer more expensive, not less. It’s like any other insurance, the more payers you have the better it works.

There is no employer health tax... what are you talking about?

Justin is overrated.