
Oh god yes, I hate UPS etc. They are the worst for slapping a sticker on the door and running


“Discover” - is that what we call “finally listened to what Inuit people have been saying all along?”

you could walk every day - that 20 extra minutes you spend is time you will get added to your life by exercising regularly.

sweat doesn’t really smell unless you let it get old. and does your work have a washroom? Cause you can easily splash yourself and pat yourself dry with a towel you bring from home, swap clothes, apply deodorant, you’re fine. Also I’m an obese woman who lives in a super hilly city and I bike, I am sure you can handle

Well, it depends, do you exercise at all? Cause honestly you’d probably feel really good and be in great shape if you walked that every day. Regardless, you could bike and it would probably take 20 minutes max each way, and you’d get the benefit of exercise.

cause last I checked folks still need to eat and pay rent - just don’t need a 3 floor, 2500 sqft monster house full of crap you don’t love and never use

if you live 11 miles from work you could bike there easily... that’s nothing.

They are adding cycle lanes because cyclists exist and have a right to be safe on the road.

In the hour you didn’t spend driving?

This attitude makes me so mad! It’s not like sitting at the desk in the office magically makes people productive. Allow telecommuting - and if people don’t work - consequence them the same if they were found not working while at their desk. If the job is so unstructured or poorly managed that they wouldn’t be able to

I recently got my employer to let me telecommute once a week. It is so amazing. I agree with all of this.

except growing up in suburbs is not better for children

This is why workplaces should have showers.

I know a 88 year old who bikes everywhere. Maybe you wouldn’t feel so old if you actually exercised once in awhile.

Well, if you tried it you might know. I love my cycle commute.

what else do you need a car for? If you live in a city you can walk or bike to get groceries and socialize - or take transit. No one needs a car outside of work.

This is my fave version as well. I own 1, 2, and 4 in the PSP versions, they all rock. I am so very sad that 5 and 6 were never re-released for PSP. I hate the chibi crud they put out on phones. At least I have the GBA version of 5. The GBA version of 6 is too expensive tho.

Also please let me choose to be fat, because I am happy with my body type and the game should let me show it off.

I totally agree - it is disappoint and the lack of hairstyles is disappoint. As a queer white woman I want to have short hair, not long hair in a ponytail - needs to be waaaay more skin tones, and more hair types (yes please curly hair for my curly headed friends, yes please fros, yes please more variety). I hate