
BOTW is Nintendo evaluating the last 10-15 years of open world games, the best of the bunch, and then taking all those ideas and synthesizing them into this crazy thing.

What excites me is that it feels for the first time in recent memory that Nintendo has made a major innovation in gameplay, and not just the way a game is played. If that makes sense.

Climbing and deep physics-based gameplay have changed the idea of how far an open-world game can go basically forever.

It’s no wonder that Miyamoto started playing Zelda and just began climbing trees.

The catapult experiment looked like it worked perfectly. haha

“Why the hell did he buy so many games that he never played”

I’m always trying to mirror what a person is saying and reframe that for the “audience.”

Yeah, not every person who ends up single and childless *wants* to be single and childless. Dating also just sucks.

I fully agree, and I say this as someone who’s in love and really happy in her relationship. Whenever someone says, “I’m so glad you finally found someone,” I’m always like, “Man you never know what can happen. I just enjoy the time we have now because I never know if I’ll end up losing it.” I know what it’s like to

Nintendo can afford to turn 3 bad console cycles before seeing red numbers. It’s pretty rich.

How in the actual heck do you think stockholders are going to affect the company’s cash reserves?

Nintendo’s financial filings indicate enough ready cash on-hand to survive even if Switch fails miserably.

I’ve got a perfect 1-for-1 record with my Nintendo console predictions. That’s 100% correct thus far! I predicted the Wii U would fail the day it was announced and of course I was right.

As a big 3DS user, they are better off going portable first. They just can’t compete against the other console manufacturers. Family has always been their niche and as a family man, Sony and Microsoft don’t offer much for younger gamers. It makes more sense for them to focus on portable first.



Can we please discuss the fact that Natalie is sexually harassed by the President, and then when the PM sees it he doesn't say anything and Natalie spends the rest of the movie apologizing for her own harassment?!? Crappy plot lines are one thing, but encouraging the idea that women are at fault for being harassed is


But they show him flying into the Marseilles airport at the end. But maybe I missed a scene after that where he goes to Portugal?

My darling Lindy,