
Ok, you really need to talk to a Canadian before posting these kind of articles. Anti-hate laws have been on the books in Canada for decades, these laws simply extends to those limitations to formally include online activity. This particular law is imperfect, but will be refined in the Senate to minimize and civil

Nope.  Not even close.  It’s strictly defined and applied (most provinces already have similar laws and separate human rights tribunals to handle them).

It’s worth noting that hate speech in Canada is defined fairly strictly, and (so far civil, not criminal) judgements have reflected that. In practice, the only people exposed will be those who vilify protected classes and call for their removal from the country, violence against them, etc...

no, because the hate speech law already exists, all this law does, is expand it into online territory.

you have no concept of what a dictatorship is, do you.

Looks like Canadian niceness is overrated. Have a pleasant day.

Two different issues.  Also note, all parliamentary systems are effectively a dictatorship if you have the majority of seats.  Canada’s Senate is a rubber stamp whose only power is to return legislation to the House, and the Governor General is really really just a rubber stamp. 

not really. We already know what hate speech is so we dont need to redefine it. opposition to Israel as a state is not hate speech in law only as far as the right is concerned.  They can pretend to be hurt all they want just like anyone can, but that doesnt move to goalposts of what actual hate speech is.

good grief i dont vote liberal but I am adult enough to know Trudeau isnt corrupt nor is he, the liberal government or Canada in any way moving in the direction of a dictatorship. Do you even know what that is or are you just happy spewing any right wing/conservative talking point.

I’m in the PNW. This is terrible, but not as terrible as wildfire season will be.

And what if his next/final movie is a complete turd instead of the perfect, critic-proof masterpiece he kind of infers it should be? Will he then un-retire and continue on a possible downward spiral until, suddenly, he insists that smaller made-for-Netflix/Hulu projects actually give him the artistic freedom he feels

I heard that his final film is going to be a scene-for-scene remake of Blacula, but with an all white cast and Tarantino will play the titular character.

Final five in naming contest (had to look it up) was

I suggested the headline. This is how us queers talk on Twitter, simple as that. It’s a play on “[so-and-so] says trans rights.” I share AuroraBlaize’s take. I am surprised some folks’d think this was official; how likely is U.S. leftist political content to be in this particular Japanese game? Not very in my opinion.

Instead of focusing on the minority of gamers acting like idiots over this and saying they have a problem with it, I am going to say I just honestly love this mod and think it makes a powerful statement, that at its heart, is something we all should support. 

That wouldn't get you fined in Canada. Relax. 

I’m sure they don’t have reams of market analysis to guide their product line decisions.

It’s the latter

But he’s made rasher decisions than this. 

Yeah, but he can be a real ham sometimes.