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he would be hiring a “hardcore litigation department” for Tesla.”

Stickers. These are stickers.

So a customer critiquing a company for it’s products is defamation but stating publicly that a journalist is a lobbyist isn’t?

Ah, so it is bought by douchebags.

its real because its The US currency and is backed by US economy and most importantly US military (which will bomb anyone threatening US companies profits)...
crypto shit is backed by nothin’ but faith.

But...color me skeptical, because tell me if I’m wrong here, but the best and brightest techies don’t typically work for government. Or if they do, they’re there for the non-spiky work requirements, stable pay, government pensions/benefits but their best days of youthful drive on truly making earth-shattering tech

Yeah... *some* devs are staying, but as a queer woman who had issues with harassment and safety BEFORE Musk rips out Twitter Safety in the name of “free speech,” I am deleting my account and never coming back. It’s not worth staying if I have to go private all the time, and I’m not handing over more personal

Don’t forget! He’s going to have human sized robots ready next year!

Nah I can whine, especially after they told me they’d cover the cost outright. 

They literally have nothing else going on in their life. Look at the people that do it, usually bored in bum-fuck-nowhere , and or retired.

Tune in on AM radio talk shows.  Nothing but RWNJ people ranting and stirring up the lumpenproletariat.  

Good thing you didn't click on it

  • “I would like to sell this item for 1,655% of what I paid for it.”

No, it was just a fluke.

Its clear the dolphin did it on porpoise.

What a shit take.  The company is offering this compensation because of the unionization push.  It’s a defensive measure, and without a collective bargaining agreement (eg-union contract), they can take it back away, trim something else, or otherwise re-fuck all these employees in any way they want as soon as the

Ah, Activision Blizzard - who could’ve foreseen that you’d be the most hated and malicious gaming studio in a world where EA exists.

Accepted! I’ll see myself out. 

They should’ve stuck with Grant Gustin because when it comes to public behavior it seems he’s...
Better than Ezra.