
Wheel changes are frequent in bicycle races, so any sort of cover would further complicate the matter. Wheel changes can occur with support from one’s own team or from neutral race support, which are already difficult enough to navigate (rear wheel changes, mostly) due to there being 3 primary drivetrain

If you want to build a totalitarian regime omelette, you gotta break a few eggs. Amirite, comrade?

One of the reasons we have a complex tax code is that it keeps well-educated/trained accountants and lawyers employed. A 15% flat tax would effectively “automate” a lot of that work and would demolish the middle class world wide. There would be no one left to tax.

I think you have to take the position that unless you saw a human get killed, they are somehow still alive. That means William/MIB, Logan, Charlotte Hale, Stubbs (Hemsworth), the 2 lab techs, the other guy who writes narratives, maybe Elsie, and anyone from the board of directors that didn’t get clipped in the

If this is a significant problem, wouldn’t the bigger culprit be US citizens, who comprise 98% of the population? Unless said illegal aliens earn cash-only income, live in tents while squatting on public land, and don’t buy anything, they are paying taxes to some degree.

An appropriate response by the NCAA would be to expel unc until they get their house in order, at which point they could re-apply for NCAA membership. An appropriate response for everyone else would be to shit-can every unc resume that comes across your desk.


Mauna Kea starts at the bottom of the ocean.

+1, this is perfect

This is exactly right. It’s Atlanta vs. Georgia, and based on my travels around the region and talking to people, it’s also Atlanta vs. the South. Incidentally, I’m from Indiana. Go Hoosiers!

When the NFL has the holds the high moral ground over you, you’re pushing a bad position. I live in Atlanta and I’m not trying to say it’s perfect, but it feels like an island.

I follow him on Instagram and just sort of blew by his last 2 posts when I was scrolling through my feed this afternoon. That is a weird feeling and it’s weighing on me.

Atlanta resident here. I can’t defend Bell’s comments and agree with the suspension. He does a really good Skip Caray impersonation, though.

If he doesn’t win the nomination, he’s a shoe-in for Secretary of Keeping it Real

I only smiled once, but it started 10 seconds in and lasted 6 minutes. That was fun.

I’m still trying to understand how the bowls have as much power as they do. It seems like they are the ones that really run things. If I’m not mistaken, the BCS was abandoned for the playoff format once each major bowl hosted a title game an equal number of times. Similarly, there is talk of expanding the playoffs,

Must have been quite a surprise for all the people that normally go there for the dicks.

Damn autocorrect.

The new logo looks like a flying dumpster fire. In other words, it’s perfect.