
The Maserati he received:

I am trying super hard to sympathize with Adam Levine, but there’s just something about that guy. 

I never sausage an unspeakable crime.

As long as they’re modifying the exhaust, they should make it shoot flames to roast the weenies.

Please Hammer Don’t Eat Em.

It did give us that great meme template though. 

It’s unclear if the two had had a prior run-in on the road, or if the truck driver simply didn’t want the sedan getting ahead.

Seriously, I’m all for hating on billionaries, but as billionaire yachts go, this is pretty cool.

Manual transmissions would have prevented this.

I love option pricing on old cars that appears batshit to modern eyes. A big block engine only cost $292, but a radio was $203 and a big gas tank was $202. The price of A/C is covered up but was probably $500 or more.

It’s vexing to me this show survived the initial shitstorm when this story first broke. Not that any show should survive this but... Bull? We’re not talking about prestige television, or a show that’s been around that long, or a legendary actor... CBS is willing to take the heat for Bull

As much as I love thumpers, IMO this should remain in its crated form. Things like this are original only once; yes, it would still be “original” if assembled, but this is the larval stage and very rare. If I bought it, it would be placed on a plinth in the library purely as a decoration.

She sounds like a sociopath who should be tried as an adult and institutionalized. Her friends should also be tried as accessories. 

You’re gonna want that TruCoat.

Don’t worry, they’ll get you on the undercoating.  

I thought the movie heavily implied that Penny was continuing her itinerant lifestyle and William moving on from his hangup with her being part of his growth?

Explain the pedestrian deaths.

As for it being “super illegal” to run a Cannonball... Last time I checked, this was a car enthusiast blog