
So Will Patton is in both this title and Yellowstone? I’m going to tune in just to see if he boosted any wardrobe from one show to the other

Atlanta resident here. There are a number of neighborhoods where cars are tossed nightly. People just prefer to not replace windows. But the real bummer is unlocked cars still get busted windows on occasion. 

I like you Mustache, I shall cheer for you

At the bottom of Rosen’s tweet, there’s an invitation to add him on MySpace. I like the cut of his jib

My urologist suggested I drink water with lemon to help fight my kidney stones. He makes no other claims other than helping fight kidney stones. That’s good enough for me

My girlfriend’s sister & brother-in-law are msu grads, and rabid fans with no sense of shame about this, so I really just have to bite my tongue around them. I’m an alum of Indiana, and I’m not saying our shit doesn’t stink either, but having to play next-level cretins like msu, maryland, and penn state in our

That cow puts the skitters in my Alan Whickers.

Hi, Bill! Good grief this is a bad take. Colorado also tied Tennessee and lost to Illinois that year. Should have lost 2 more to Missouri and Notre Dame. They deserved to lose to the Orange Bowl for punting to the Rocket instead of out of bounds.

Amazing. Take your star

The colleges and conferences are already running professional sports leagues. The NCAA is a convenient punching bag as most people have the illusion they actually run things, but make no mistake, college sports are professional entertainment in every way except management benefits from gray-market labor.

You misspelled Corgi.

The NCAA is there to serve its member institutions, not the other way around. The NCAA has a much integrity as its membership, which as we’ve seen with penn state, baylor, and north carolina, is next to nothing.

Co-signed. Fuck that guy

As an employer, I can assure you all unc resumes are going straight into a trashcan.

I thought Mitch looked fine, but they could have had Watson. Hell, they could have traded down and got Watson.

This is possibly the best headline I’ve ever read. Easily a top 5.

Small nit: it’s the Georgia Institute of Technology, or Georgia Tech for short; there is no “University” in the title. Kinda like it’s just MIT, not MIT University.

I was saying, “Booo-urns”.

I agree with Team Deadspin on stadium issues, but the Oakland Coliseum situation is unique and untenable (last venue shared with an MLB club, sewage seeping up into the stadium from time to time). Assuming a new stadium is necessary in this case, I have less of a problem with ownership seeking the best deal available.

I haven’t been that turned on since The Revenant.