Boston fans don’t know who Bledsoe is, either, but that’s because all basketball players look alike.
Boston fans don’t know who Bledsoe is, either, but that’s because all basketball players look alike.
When asked if he was worried about the threats, Harbaugh responded “Bitch, pleats!”
“Show me a mark!”
I’m from Boston and I’m not even offended by this comment. You can be forgiven for thinking this!
It’s like Pat Summit and Andre the Giant had a fling.
Just making some boils. Purdue man through and through.
“How was your weekend?”
I’m glad he underlined it, so we’d know it’s important.
The proper counter is to hatchet-throw the bat at the opposing pitcher, kick the catcher backwards, pick up the ball and run from third to first to home to second. This unlocks unlimited-dingers mode.
I’m very confused here.
Jesus took the wheel, and apparently didn’t do that great a job of it.
So I hung in there through the “we didn’t evolve” and the “extream love”, but had to tap out at “Asians are super creative.”
To sum up what this guy said ⬆ “Aliens can’t be real because I love Jesus”.
NARRATOR VOICE: And you could say that silence is what lead Chris to become a punter.
This was not how I imagined a Republican would get caught up in a pegging scandal
Please give examples of Jordan’s extreme antisocial attitudes and total lack of conscience.
Are you suggesting that Michael Jordan did not (and does not still, to this day) exhibit “extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience?” Because that is what sociopathy means and it describes Michael Jordan pretty well.