steel murkin

This is no surprise Barry - we all know videos from Asia blur any action after second base.

*that we know of

Whatever it is I’m sure the fuel companies hate it.

It’s not a sport you fucking nong. You just hang out with your mates sculling tinnies and yelling over the noises and enjoy yourself you daft cunt. /s

good one, dude. really showed that dead guy.

The real question: how’s the condom-shopping going for ya?

As a cyclist and car enthusiast I know both camps have have their morons.

I can’t stand the wanton disregard for life people who drive cars exhibit towards cyclists that are maybe creating a 10 second delay till a safe spot to pass appears.

On the flip side cyclists hitting mirrors, ignoring traffic laws, and generally

If you are stupid enough, in America’s moral climate when you go 5-7, to do *anything* that might even *hint* at being questionable

Her name is Lemon Pepper, obvs.

In Ole Miss, Nutt busts you!

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie showed off his athletic side...

Viral FB post + breastfeeding + anecdotal evidence. God speed to this comment thread. I’ll see you on the other side.

“man, if I had a chin for every tired excuse I hear I would have about the same amount of chins”

“My son already ate his ass up twice,”

I hope McGregor reads this and someone gives Mayweather the gist of it.

I for one will be disappointed if Golden State chooses not to go to Washington. Opportunities like this come along once in a lifetime, if that. I think the Warriors, provided they receive an invitation, had better think long and hard about how to respond. It is a personal meeting with the Goddamn President of the

Considering Dantonio’s actions, it sounds more like “Whoa, stop so I can contact the proper people to deal with this criminal matter and so there’s less of any whiff that I was interfering in this serious matter.”

Bringing in Tony Romo to lose games in January? Now there’s a revolutionary concept!

i would hope that all the girls softball teams were unseeded

When my great aunt was sick, she stayed with us for a while. Every time she had a bad coughing fit, I would make sure to come check and her, grab her a water, and punch her in the face a couple times. She couldn’t shake the illness and passed, but I am sure she would have thanked me for checking on her so often if