“What has he really done to draw so much ire besides be outwardly Christian?”
“What has he really done to draw so much ire besides be outwardly Christian?”
(Calvin Murphy performs a snooker break with a baton, then while his opponent shoots, plays Street Fighter II)
Maybe not but we could have CRUSHED Tom Sawyer.
obvioulsy because he didn’t have a father figure
One of the problems ESPN’s Darren Rovell points out
“It’s a caricature”
He was unfamiliar with the layout of the house because the owner had put on an addition unlike any other.
This guy has yet to make it through 12 steps, let alone an entire staircase.
David had a good run and he will be missed
What about careening into a crowd of people?
If you have a child with a severe peanut allergy, THE PARENT should have an epi pen. Think about it, would you expect the airline to have a dispensary and pharmacist/nurse on every flight to cover every sickness/disease? Your plane ticket would be $10,000.
I knew the second I watched this that the greys would be full of people insisting this dunk isn’t a dunk.
Or the state of American fishing, hard to know
You’re thinking of Sage Steele.
Skittles, Starbursts, Rolos, Snickers, Mars bars, Twizzlers, Almond Joys, Kit Kats and oh, how he loved Reese’s Pieces.
This is a nice change of pace from other articles about Big 10 coaches and butt stuff.
And basketball players could just lay it up instead of dunking. And America could have just virtually exterminated Native Americans without treaties instead of adding the treaties. I could just cry myself to sleep on the toilet instead of also masturbating.
Charles Harder is on his way to Mitch McConnell’s house already.