steel murkin

Voter fraud exists!

Wolverines...go figure.

Darth Wader

“Why would there be confusion if he spoke English? Joining us in in studio to discuss is Emmitt Smith.”

About a day after masturbating is no longer a fun way to pass the time.

Shoulda been you, Coach K.

Tom, I believe Penn State is the still the undisputed leader in camper aggression.

What are the odds he takes a shortcut and becomes a policeman?

Pretty elaborate, especially when you consider the set-up for this involved divorcing the kid’s mom and moving to a new apartment ten months earlier.

You gotta let go of the Pringle

What? What?

This is why mom always yelled at me to tie my shoelaces when driving a car.

I like the addition of Draymond - it will answer some big questions, like ‘How much padding does a foreskin actually provide?’

I think the point I’m getting here is that you were shitty at your job.

Pete Carroll when asked for life advice: Pass

If you have enough, you can own Deadspin.

Haters gonna say it’s fake.

+1 It’s a shame today’s youth aren’t versed in the classics.

Who’s down with JPP?

Whenever I hear that someone is facing a “tribunal,” I always assume that person just did a CRAZY amount of ethnic cleansing.