steel murkin

Where's the gears?

Did I watch the wrong video? I didn't learn anything about the Corvette.

I like the 'ExploreDetroit' watermark. Was this created by the chamber of commerce?

I can imagine it's difficult for an unpopular kid with a big head to look in the mirror.

@sarrible: And if you store it in the fridge, nuke it for a few seconds to soften it up to make it spreadable.

because deer are fucking cowards

@powermatic: Use of unnecessary force in the apprehension of the Blues Brothers has been approved.

Is it just me or is it awfully dark in that arena? I'm wondering if they were reading Drew's column yesterday, felt a little self conscious, and turned off half the lights.

@athf_bum: But way back in, say, 2008 when cap and trade was a Republican idea, it was fine. Right?

It seems that the videographer has chosen to document this conflagration by standing in a booth. I find that choice interesting.

@Lady Pha Pha: What does an emoticon look loke in comic sans serif?

"One thing led to another, and before I knowed it,

As long as they don't fuck with the dock ellis lsd cartoon I don't give a rat's ass.

I took a golf ball to the temple in High School. I was unconscious for quite a while, and couldn't walk for nearly a half hour. Went home and slept it off. The fact that I'm commenting here demonstrates there was no residual harm.

It's pretty cool that he can 'run really fast' in those loafers with no socks.