I'll be all wired up, ready to go. And with that comment, he convincingly demonstrated that he actually doesn't do drugs.
I'll be all wired up, ready to go. And with that comment, he convincingly demonstrated that he actually doesn't do drugs.
@brandegee: I guess it got better when he started traveling in little circles. When I was typing my comment he was still burning down his knobbies without moving.
@brandegee: I feel like I'm stupider for having watched that.
it's the only word I know that you pluralize in the middle of the word
maybe a romantic boat ride or somethin then dinner
Wait - I thought someone was going to poop.
@TheBlackGodfather: but does she have 12 pound balls?
Needs more vuvuzela.
I puked watching that shaky video. But what about theory 3) The ball was rolling by, out of reach, and he puked on it to slow it down. or 4) The happy youngster is just to his left, and he hates that guy even more than I do.
Snuggling? You don't say...
Did Pastrana's grandmother pick out the curtains in that house?
Wait a minute...That's no bear!! That's just Col. Reb in a bear suit!
Don't everyone run to help him at once. Stand back, give him some air, etc.
I bet his cell phone has an awesome angle of that shot
Watching the rotors go around on that helicopter was way scarier than yesterday's kid riding the scooter backwards.
Tony Banks also got paid monthly.
So this 'cowboy' is wearing sneakers and putting hits on reporters. I see a post-baccalaureate future in the gay rodeo.
YOU, yes even YOU, Mr. Smells His Own Taint, could finally get laid tonight!
As an owner of a Wii, I'm extraordinarily excited to see which features of the sex tape make it into Tiger Woods 2011.
Anyone still have Chris Allen's phone number?