
She's giving up her identity to become part of his identity... how would you feel if your wife asked you to take her last name?

The reason for this is, obviously, insecurity. Virtually every single human action or inaction can be traced back to insecurity.

I could swear, and someone else posted it too, that she came out before. I could swear she made mention about her gf before.

word. the fog. it's crazy.

If a woman said that she had trouble writing good male characters, she would be laughed out of the profession.

I'm trying to remember the last time someone asked me how I wrote strong female characters. I mean, I'm not Gaiman, but I do pretty well. And I do adore Neil.


Yeah, I've always liked him in general, even if some of his movies are meh. He just seems like a decent guy. I'm glad he is vocal about this sort of thing, because a lot of his movies appeal to some stupid fucking people (since there is a fair amount of juvenile & immature humor). Sounds like he did the right thing.

Michael Jackson had talent.

Dude, this woman is NOT YOUR FRIEND. You don't enjoy talking to her, and she's nosy, demanding, and self-absorbed. I think it's time for the slow fade-out.

I'm a guy, so I'd probably deconstruct the social pressure to procreate within rigid timeframes and explain that my marriage does not require a child to save it. If that didn't shut up this "friend," I'd beat the shit out of him/her. If I were a woman, I'd be so fed up with family/acquaintances/the

Okay, I've never watched the show because these guys all look like serial killers, but it can't be a surprise that they hold some particular views, right? So A&E seems to have tested the waters a bit, and realized that the Palin-loving Duck Dynasty watching crowd is (shockingly!) unconcerned with either bigotry and

Ugh, I WISH I could turn my uterus off. These monthly bills, amirite?!?

I love how people act like there hasn't always been a lot of "fluffy" topics posted on this site.

mandy patinkin

I think movies like this, or The Godfather, Scarface, Goodfellas and even the show Breaking Bad are supposed to horrify us. They're supposed to show how greed and ambition can steamroll over any good intentions the characters used to have. Yet, for a huge portion of the population, those nuances go over their heads.

Either way you get to hang out with rich assholes all day and work 18 hour days.

I always interpreted hot to be like, a hot steamy pile of shit. So a hot mess is an extra nasty mess. It's certainly not meant to be complimentary in any sense.

I never read "hot mess" and think that the person is saying "I was a good looking mess" I see "I was an inexcusable mess last night" or disorderly or something along those lines. It isn't really a "good" thing when I see it.