
The Great Dane I grew up with — she was so beautiful, blue, wonderful sweetheart and my absolute best friend growing up — lived twelve years, which is Methuselah-level for the breed. But that's an outlier.

So, and I'm saying this as a daily medical user and strong legalization proponent, it IS possible to get pukey from too much pot. It happens most easily:

it hurts because it's truuuueeee~

There are jobs that are specifically exempt from the lunch break thing (I've worked a few of them), but I feel like "cheerleader" probably shouldn't be one.

In an ideal world I agree, but in this case... man, I am okay with whatever legal argument lets them stop this travesty.

As potentially happy as I am to see the Biebs facing deportation, that marijuana rule (crime of moral turpitude? really?) needs to go.

You should absolutely go. Shop around first, online. Use this site: (assuming you're in the US)

My single best way to remember something has always been — since grade school — to write it on the back of my hand. Memento seemed like old hat to me.

People who say ADHD is a myth need to be punched in the face repeatedly while they try to get things done. Distracting, isn't it? Man, I miss being on meds and not feeling like I'm trying to get things done while mired in quicksand.

How about the flip side: a doc saying the Adderall would be a good prescription because I could lose some weight. Hey, fuck you, doc!

Thanks for writing about this. I'm a weird outlier: as a girl, I was diagnosed at around 7, back in '86 or so. My dad was diagnosed at the same time, and the diagnosis changed his life (I won't go into too much detail, but he's one of the most intelligent people I've ever known and he flunked out of high school). The

Because they can. Guarantee you that's Bieb's reason.

I thiiink that's from Rebecca Black's "Friday" video?

We are eternally grateful to Florida. You have done the world a great service.

My dad went sober after a DUI, too. It can be a real wake-up call.

Thanks so much for taking the time to explain! That helps a lot, and I was sort of suspecting that was the right sort of language, as I've used person-first language when talking about mental illness. Just didn't want to assume and bumble forward, you know?

I'd also like to know how this works so I can get in on it, pronto.

His main reasoning seems to be that the Hawks "aren't ready yet". That was his reasoning behind them losing to the Saints, too. Seems like faulty reasoning to me...

OH. So, what's worse: a "bandwagon" fan, or a longtime resident and fan who's betting against the Hawks in the Super Bowl? Because I have a $20 bet against my boss. SHAMEFUL. Pretty sure he bet against them on the Saints game, too, judging by how he was so weirdly adamant that the Saints would win.

I'm a Seahawks fan from two years ago... because two years ago was when I finally started noticing football. Sports just never had any appeal to me when I was younger, so I'm only just now starting to appreciate the tactical awesomeness of football. It's a really cool game, as it turns out! But believe you me, I'll be