Rihanna is hilarious.
Rihanna is hilarious.
That was well-written, too bad some of the readers took the story too seriously.
Naw, there's a lot of us. Often times it's just that I don't wanna have to put down my Vienna Sausages to stop and comment, ya know?
Lets not drag ZZ Top into this.
I feel like this is insulting to 'rednecks' that are tolerant. I don't see what the point of this article was. His homophobia is his own damn fault.
As a fellow person from the South I was not shocked by Phil Robertson's comments, but I did find them abhorrent, and I find this article to be insulting as well. Maybe not as bad as Duck Dynasty, but still pretty bad.
No offense to Selena, but don't normal non-celebrities work non- stop for 30 to 40 years?! I suppose we get a few weeks off during the year, and celebrities are jet setting etc., but come on. I would love to take a break from my job if I could, but alas, I must head back to work on Thursday.
Um, while not all depression is a disease, long term, intractable, depression certainly is. Hence the term clinical depression. Is it a disease like cancer? Well, no, of course not. Except....there's evidence that stress and other conditions that we think of as purely mental can contribute to cancer.
No... I also wouldn't call someone who had diabetes or cancer or HIV or any other physical illness "diseased" because that's a very rude and insensitive thing to say. I would never call someone who has a disease "diseased" as I would never call a person with a disability "handicapped." That is not the way you say…
Clinical depression is in fact a disease.
Yeah I love that Rawls being in the closet didn't make his personality more likeable, never had any impact on the story and was never mentioned again.
I firmly believe that David Simon added the 2 seconds of Rawls in the gay bar for the sole reason of giving loyal viewers who noticed it an extra laugh at the "Rawls…
Local music stores? Where do you live that they still have music stores?
Thanks! And yes, Burt!! <3
Bye Laura! You were good!
Season 3 is rough. It gets better.
Come on human beings, time to step it up a bit. We're losing the war against the machines without them having to actually do anything at all besides exist and be distracting.
They're still going! They're even still good! Dial-A-Song is gone (the machine they used finally broke and they decided not to replace it), and that made me sad, as that was the first number I programmed into every cell phone I've ever had.
Probably not, because acting like a fedora atheist a) doesn't accomplish anything but getting another lecture b)isn't the best way to get interviews and c) means they might not take you out hunting in the awesome preserve they've probably spend millions on.