Honestly, I think "No Thanksgiving" without that wretched woman is reason enough to give thanks!
Honestly, I think "No Thanksgiving" without that wretched woman is reason enough to give thanks!
Thanks. She's just gotten a pill that actually lets her sleep, which is a gift from the gods, so that's good. We're actually three hundred miles away - we decided to call her bluff.
It's odd that they still censor women (really avoid any lesbians) yet TV -particularly HBO/Showtimes has several scenes of women getting oral sex and no one's bothered. I don't know if anyone's seen the documentary "This Film is Not Yet Rated". It's really interesting, it has several directors/writers/actors talking…
Compared to most of these stories this isn't anything major, but I've had it right about up to my ears with my extended family.
You sound like a fantastic person :)
Bless your heart.
Can we just sit people like this down and force them to watch this video on repeat until they realize that they shouldn't be forcing people to change their natural bodies to fit in? I wonder what they do to the 5th grader who becomes a double D overnight.
Aw, sad (that they didn't kill off everyone).
I just want to yank it up a few inches. It feels impossibly close to plumber butt >_<
1) I am a lesbian. 2) Queer visibility relies on superficial signifiers to communicate queerness. That these signifiers (read=fashion/hair/jewelry) are identifiable in the mainstream is interesting but not new. Maybe we can instead, just once, have a conversation about why mainstream culture relies on our visibility…
Everything you said is perfection. I completely agree about Fitz never mentioning his own kids. It's not cute to talk about wanting kids with Olivia when you barely acknowledge the ones you have. Remember that earlier episode where Mellie shatters Fitz's delusion that the kids can't stand her and love him by telling…
I'm going to go with multiple choices - I think there are a whole bunch of different places where I can list them down.
Jake is so ($)@$( sexy I feel like I have to testify every time I see his face! And I haven't been to a church in like 20 years!
This is it exactly. Fitz is an awful guy and an awful character, but the writers and actors really nail the chemistry in a dysfunctional, fucked-up relationship. I feel like I'm watching myself with my ex sometimes.
Also, can we just raise our hands to the fact that last night's episode had a black woman at the helm, behind and in front of the camera. Awesome trifecta. This may be first time ever, no?
No I mean "sexy" in that way you would describe the ex that gave you the best sex of your life but that you can't stand to be around except for when you're drunk in Brooklyn at 3 AM a block from his apartment. You call him up and he asks what you're doing and you respond, "what're you doing?" because you're too drunk…
By "sexy" you mean really gross since Fitz is a disgusting man and one of the worst characters on television - right?