
Co-signed ! I knew it was going to happen and he deserved it.

<3 Mellie

I want, More than a pony for Christmas, a PST Gladiator Open Thread so I don't have to drink wine alone :-(


Pretty sure James staged it knowing there would be a spy

Welp, in the words of the Cell Block Tango, "He had it coming."

Quinn walking in on Huck with his Killer Caboodles set..... :::faints:::

Nobody can work an ending like Scandal. Multiple damns.

Fitz, believe me when I say this: you are damned lucky Mellie hasn't put a bullet between your eyes by now.

......cyrus.... girl....

OK so not to defend the whole Olitz thing bc I agree it's fucked, buuut- the house wasn;t where Mellie got raped, it's a new house. And Fitz doesn't know Liv's Mom is alive. But agree on the rest

Ugh. I watch The Walking Dead and I still cringed.

I will not watch this, but I will second Scott Foley as terribly sexy.

I found this gif last night and I had to share it with you guys. I have no idea where she is or what she is up to, but here is Jennifer Lawrence being Jennifer Lawrence.

It all reminds me of going to football games and listening to the fat balding guys in their too small jerseys drinking beers and critiquing the cheerleaders. All of the cheerleaders were chubby, not blond enough, crooked smile, short legs etc. and the guys would end their talks about how none of them were good

The waves of concern trolling (esp by dudes who are "just trying to help" and "not trying to police anyone's body") are causing pretty severe eyerollitis

To save half of you the trouble: OMG Fatties R Bad. Shame on you Laura for being a fatpologist! Health! CONCERN!!

My pibble buddy would never tolerate having his nails done, but here he is in his awesome v-neck dude bro sweater:

I really like how he phrased that. I get it, because although it is a highly privileged "problem" to have, it is tricky because fame is a weird, amorphous, thing that no one else really understands unless they've experienced it. And add being an adolescent with your world views being shaped and changing every day on

I think West is intelligent. I think he is talented (and I don't even like his music, but yes, I appreciate his talent). I also think that, indeed, he is a jackass. A jackass who says lots and lots of jackassy things. I don't care how he feels about the President, though. I'm sure he's been called worse by "friends".