Pause. Queer Eye Reunion? When? I NEED DETAILS.
Sort of related, I had a kid that worked for me in the navy who is mixed raced. He had the uncanny and rather unlucky problem of wherever we pulled in, the locals thought he was of the ethnic group they hated.
A higher resolution version. A 256x256 detail:
You could argue that gender mainstreaming could encourage men to participate in some of these stereotypically female activities (like running errands related to caring for children or other family members) by making them less annoying to do.
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. Sorry for shouting. But seriously.
Really?? They both look happy to me. There's nothing wrong with two consenting adults getting kinky (and let's be honest, this is mild kink).
Yes. Because your "fat friend/co-worker" will pick up on this subtext and it will come off as patronizing and cruel.
Yes. I am also heavily involved in drug policy, including but not limited to MMJ, and I'm hungering for more cannabis-patriarchy deconstruction type analysis. It's a huge reason why it took me a long time to come around on MJ decrim/legalization despite being very dedicated to other areas of drug policy reform.
THANK YOU! I am a productive, professional, grown up (middle aged now), responsible stoner as well. Weed very much helps me to focus on tedious or mundane tasks. Not to mention that it helps me relax and roll with the punches every day. I have a little social anxiety that it helps me with tremendously. Only my…
REALLY? YES! 206 whaaaatttt
I actually wrote a paper on this a zillion years ago in undergrad and the short answer is yes, what scant research exists (and at the time why teenage girls go zonkers for boy bands despite being a multi billion dollar phenomena was barely studied) says its the confluence of "appropriate" sexual outlet and free time.…
Some people really don't react well to cannabis. Having said that, mental illness and addiction are co-morbid, and mind-altering substances of any kind can trigger or exacerbate any mental health issues.
PSA: Potheads aren't always what you expect. I aced the fuck out of Anatomy and Physiology high as a kite, and there are tons of us out there. Totally productive, totally high.
I'd read 'em! GT that shit! Also, Evergreen State 4 lyfe!
Here's a thing: I'm from WA and heavily involved in the medical marijuana industry. It's such a ridiculously sexist, disgusting boys club I could write a series of articles. Would anyone here be interested?
I don't think a person who smokes weed is a terrible parent. It's like any vice you have— you control it, enjoy it responsibly, and keep it away from your kids.
As a young girl, you're not allowed to have a sexuality, so teen idols are a way to sublimate it. Do try to keep up...
Something we were discussing quite a bit over on GT a few weeks ago (I think, I am terrible at time - it was stoked in part by a Rolling Stone article on One Direction) is the fact that young girls especially tend to get rabid and obsessed with celebrity idols, and part of the reason why is that they have no other…