
I certainly wasn't arguing AGAINST prison time for some of these peopleā€”I just think rehabilitative measures are also worth pursuing.

Would it be better for the mainstream entertainment industry to continue to ignore the lives of trans men and women? Yes, obviously there's huge potential for it to be offensive, but there's also huge potential for positive outcomes, and I think it's unfair to assume that it will be an awful mess.

I'm not gay, I just don't want to get measles.

Let's talk gay-dar - is this how people think they can recognise lesbians? Because they take up more 'space'? (Which is sometimes true actually, as I think about some of my butch friends.)

And the Armed Forces, and a bunch of different religions, and yeah, 12-step programs.

Recovering crackheads. Have some respect.

I have nothing else to say aside from I want to talk Andy Samberg behind the middle school and get him pregnant.

Mine never come out very well either. I'm pretty sure its the lighting.

Oof. I used to have major issues sleeping, but since the semester's started I've been out like Crocs and socks as soon as my head hits the pillow.

"I was not expecting her to be putting her butt that close to my son..."

What culpability would that poor, innocent, nearly-middle-aged husband and father even HAVE? Going up against that dirty slutty tramp would be too much for ANY man.

I do so enjoy the word 'nary'. Top marks.

"I was not expecting her to be putting her butt that close to my son," says Robin Thicke's bewildered mom. [NYDN]

The word problematic is an intellectual cheat. If you have an issue with him state it clearly.

I say mountains rather than beach. Cool ice water lakes and awesome runs in the woods. But then, I'm a bit broken like that.

Hooray for Wentworth Miller! Me and him will do all of the sex things!

OK, let's break this down here.

Shit. I really hit a nerve with some people. You know you done pissed somebody off when they ignore your comments about chris brown and get on you about macklemore.