
Yeah, agreed, though I find the commenters are usually worse when it comes to Lohan and participating in "maliciously gleeful" (:)) hate-fests, all while congratulating themselves for not being stupid enough to like/root for her. It's gross.

It's not maliciously gleeful. Lindy has been really consistent about rooting hard for LiLo to get her act together, but simultaneously has admitted that it makes her really nervous because the odds of LiLo succeeding are slim. Lindy's also talked about her conflict about that.

This is an outrage! Not only was she the most attractive person on the show (my love looks like her, so obvious bias here), but this is going to force Piper's character back to the man-child. Is it just a lesbian thing, or does everybody pretty much cringe whenever he's on screen? It's like the subtext is always about

I was shipping Alex with Nicky! I felt those two had more chemistry and more in common than Alex and Piper. Just like they said in one of the episodes "same coin, different sides." I was elated when Piper chose Larry since it freed A/N to hook up.

how can there even be an acceptable compromise? you can't have a sometimes kid. Someone is going to be stuck with a decision they didn't want to make... either having a kid you never wanted, or being childless when you always wanted to be a father. It's not like Christina wants strawberry ice cream, Owen wants

Ugh THIS. Also, as an Asian it was so refreshing - REFRESHING, I TELL YOU - to see Sandra Oh in such a compelling and strong role. She was one of the few characters who never sold out, never compromised, she knew what she wanted and she worked her ass off for it. I'm gonna miss Cristina but at the end of the day I

And by "work it out" do you mean "break up" because holy fuck there is no compromise there. Grey's has never shown the slightest softening of Christina's not wanting children and Owen clearly does, and now they are just punishing each other (and us the viewers) by staying together.

Whaaaaat!!!!! Do you know how awful it is to wake up and see that Sandra oh is leaving?!? I hate Meredith!! Christina Yang was my spirit animal. Ugh!!

Oh my gawd. I've been watching Grey's Anatomy for ten years? But now I don't have to anymore! Thank you, Christina Yang! You can let go now. Go into the light, which is probably going to be a large bus traveling at 50 miles per hour through the observation window of an O.R.

I still watch Grey's even though it hasn't been consistently good in years. I'm invested, blahblahblah, I know it's crap but whatever.

I am really bummed Sandra Oh is leaving, though I am sure it's past time. Yang has been the one character I always enjoyed seeing onscreen (probably because I see a lot of myself in

"Fuck you, you little bitch."

There's nothing quite as attractive as someone being exactly who they want to be.

The man is dedicated to his look like no one else.

If you're going to be covered in Santorum, wouldn't the shower be the best place?

Pretty sure we wouldn't be posting a pic of a woman's cameltoe with a similar headline.

So... this is obviously massively hypocritical considering your stance on creepshots. And not only that, but you're deleting conversation threads that are rightfully calling you out on it? Fuck you, Jezebel.

This is a creep shot

Everything about this post is the definition of double standards.

I am far more offended at hearing a screaming child than I am at seeing Nature's Pacifier in action.

I haven't seen this either so I have a question: does the show have to end with a proposal? Couldn't they have just walked away?