
I really don't see it that way. Many characters have been shown to be intelligent, or at least savvy/street-smart. Suzanne (Crazy Eyes) recites Shakespeare from memory. Miss Claudette has rigged a homemade hot pot in her bunk and is usually reading a book. Taystee is clearly well read and runs the library, and next

Right? I want someone with a protruding belly, which is my main problem.

I'm glad that you've never been pressured or outright harassed or had people question your feminity & sexuality. But that has not been the case for many of us.

The ocean is fully of things that bite toes, puppy. You've got the right idea. Don't believe the hype!

Hey as long as you're not a GEEK with Battlestar Galactica posters everywhere than its alright! But I kid, Jezebel and women totally respect geek culture because they are one themselves!

Women are socialized very early on to go out of our way and sacrifice our own comfort be nice, polite, and accommodating in all situations.

Can we stop using "lives with his/her parents" as an insult? I'm really sick of the cultural implications this has.

I moved back home to have major surgery, and while if I explain the whole situation it's understandable (i.e. I'm not a loser/creep/sadsack), it isn't always the right time to go into my whole sob story

That picture of Common: yes.

Perhaps, this is awful to say (and I'm ready to get slammed for it), but I honestly think that with Cory's death it's a bit crass to even continue with the show. I know that Glee is a big money maker for Fox but it just seems a bit wrong to continue filming the show, and then to write him out of the episode, well, I

I don't care that it's been 10 years, or that most of the cast is probably getting a bit old, or that Anya is still dead, or that Tara is still dead, or that "Season 8" was completely incoherent...I AM FEELING ALL THE FEELS RIGHT NOW!

He was also in Private Practice as the crazy guy that raped Charlotte. For multiple reasons that episode was both well done and really hard to watch

Nope. A stoned douchebag is still a douchebag. He just rambles on and on about shit he thinks is super awesome and never shuts. the. fuck. up.

I watched the show from beginning to end this weekend. Super addictive. The only good show about queer women I've ever seen. I have one complaint:

I can't stand this show. The lead character is unlikeable, unrelatable and grating; Laura Prepon is terrible in every way; the pacing is off (and slow); the dialogue is phony; it's not funny nor dramatic; and there is no real storyline.

1. I've had a legitimate major crush on Ders since I first started watching Workaholics. Not an ironic crush, a real one.

I would make some glib remark about how we should probably be treating our addictions in consultation with actual medical professionals and not a religious/moralist cult whose claims about the very nature of addiction were drafted before the invention of modern pyschiatry... but, I know it's not that simple. People

Channing Tatum has the only Oscar he needs... in his pants!*

I feel like this pertains to the discussion:

I loved Oz. I really felt like he added something indispensible to the show and lost serious interest when he left (and then left for good).