
The first few episodes are easily the weakest, to start with. Unfortunate, but there it is. It takes a few for them to find their pacing. Also, all the scenes with Piper's family and friends on the outside are the most boring scenes in the show.

The Gods Must Be Crazy references ALWAYS deserve stars.

Or take Workaholics' lead: "tight butthole".

Right? Multiple-times-over community college dropout, 1420. Underachiever high five!

Me too! Which time zone are you in? None of my friends watch it, and I've always wanted in on a live thread or something, but this is one case where the west coast isn't the best coast for something.

I'll toke instead of doing a shot and all will be ooooookay.

What are some /good/ rom-coms? Preferably ones available on Netflix streaming? I find myself craving something fluffy.

I didn't consciously realize how badly I need this to happen until I read your comment.

I can't help it; I live for Cristina Yang. :(

Yes. Trying not to side-eye this comment, hoping you're not implying some connection to smoking weed.

Grey's Anatomy is the show that shitcanned the actor who called another a "faggot" behind the scenes (look it up: Isaiah Washington and T. R. Knight). Grey's Anatomy is the show that casts colorblind, and is one of the few you'll see on primetime TV with whole scenes including only people of color (Scandal would be

Ooookay. Apparently allies are now unwelcome? I don't get this sentiment. As a bisexual woman, I welcome supportive and insightful comments from straight allies.

I'm in the middle of my season 9 rewatch to prepare for the pain that will be the season 10 premiere, and man, Bailey is awesome.

Note that Walt is in the middle.

I'm apparently immune to edibles. There are a lot of different ways to get high, and some work better than others. Try smoking from a bong, or from a vaporizer, maybe?

As a fellow Washingtonian and a female smoker, I'd be interested!

See, and I have the same problem... but with alcohol. Why would anyone drink alcohol (far more damaging to the body, much more physically addictive — so much so that alcohol DTs can /kill/ — and hangovers are the fucking pits) if they had ready access to weed?

Let's wait and see how they write it before condemning them. I mean, we're always complaining about lack of representation. It isn't exactly fair to then jump all over them when they DO...

Glad the article mentions Grey's Anatomy, because interracial couples have NEVER been any kind of a deal on Grey's. This has been your regularly scheduled "Grey's is awesome idgaf" post from your resident Cristina Yang fan.

Cripes, no, of freaking course not. Since when do we want our allies to be seen and not heard? That's ridiculous.